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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/10/25 14:23:18






Title: Real-time and programmable transcriptome sequencing with PROFIT-seq

Author: Zhang, Jinyang, Hou, Lingling, Ma, Lianjun, Cai, Zhengyi, Ye, Shujun, Liu, Yang, Ji, Peifeng, Zuo, Zhenqiang, Zhao, Fangqing

Issue&Volume: 2024-10-23

Abstract: The high diversity and complexity of the eukaryotic transcriptome make it difficult to effectively detect specific transcripts of interest. Current targeted RNA sequencing methods often require complex pre-sequencing enrichment steps, which can compromise the comprehensive characterization of the entire transcriptome. Here we describe programmable full-length isoform transcriptome sequencing (PROFIT-seq), a method that enriches target transcripts while maintaining unbiased quantification of the whole transcriptome. PROFIT-seq employs combinatorial reverse transcription to capture polyadenylated, non-polyadenylated and circular RNAs, coupled with a programmable control system that selectively enriches target transcripts during sequencing. This approach achieves over 3-fold increase in effective data yield and reduces the time required for detecting specific pathogens or key mutations by 75%. We applied PROFIT-seq to study colorectal polyp development, revealing the intricate relationship between host immune responses and bacterial infection. PROFIT-seq offers a powerful tool for accurate and efficient sequencing of target transcripts while preserving overall transcriptome quantification, with broad applications in clinical diagnostics and targeted enrichment scenarios.

DOI: 10.1038/s41556-024-01537-1

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41556-024-01537-1


Nature Cell Biology:《自然—细胞生物学》,创刊于1999年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:28.213