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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/10/18 15:04:16

美国麻省总医院Vijay K. Kuchroo等研究人员合作发现,神经肽信号调控T细胞分化。相关论文于2024年10月16日在线发表在《自然》杂志上。



ATF3通过诱导TH1细胞分化的关键调节因子Stat1的表达,促进了TH1细胞的分化。在病毒感染后,神经元产生的CGRP与T细胞上表达的RAMP3之间的相互作用增强了抗病毒的IFNγ产生的TH1和CD8+ T细胞反应,并及时控制了急性病毒感染。




Title: Neuropeptide signalling orchestrates T cell differentiation

Author: Hou, Yu, Sun, Linyu, LaFleur, Martin W., Huang, Linglin, Lambden, Conner, Thakore, Pratiksha I., Geiger-Schuller, Kathryn, Kimura, Kimitoshi, Yan, Longjun, Zang, Yue, Tang, Ruihan, Shi, Jingwen, Barilla, Rocky, Deng, Liwen, Subramanian, Ayshwarya, Wallrapp, Antonia, Choi, Hee Sun, Kye, Yoon-Chul, Ashenberg, Orr, Schiebinger, Geoffrey, Doench, John G., Chiu, Isaac M., Regev, Aviv, Sharpe, Arlene H., Kuchroo, Vijay K.

Issue&Volume: 2024-10-16

Abstract: The balance between T helper type 1 (TH1) cells and other TH cells is critical for antiviral and anti-tumour responses1,2,3, but how this balance is achieved remains poorly understood. Here we dissected the dynamic regulation of TH1 cell differentiation during in vitro polarization, and during in vivo differentiation after acute viral infection. We identified regulators modulating T helper cell differentiation using a unique TH1–TH2 cell dichotomous culture system and systematically validated their regulatory functions through multiple in vitro and in vivo CRISPR screens. We found that RAMP3, a component of the receptor for the neuropeptide CGRP (calcitonin gene-related peptide), has a cell-intrinsic role in TH1 cell fate determination. Extracellular CGRP signalling through the receptor RAMP3–CALCRL restricted the differentiation of TH2 cells, but promoted TH1 cell differentiation through the activation of downstream cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB) and activating transcription factor 3 (ATF3). ATF3 promoted TH1 cell differentiation by inducing the expression of Stat1, a key regulator of TH1 cell differentiation. After viral infection, an interaction between CGRP produced by neurons and RAMP3 expressed on T cells enhanced the anti-viral IFNγ-producing TH1 and CD8+ T cell response, and timely control of acute viral infection. Our research identifies a neuroimmune circuit in which neurons participate in T cell fate determination by producing the neuropeptide CGRP during acute viral infection, which acts on RAMP3-expressing T cells to induce an effective anti-viral TH1 cell response.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-08049-w

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-08049-w

