Title: Building Asymmetric Zn–N3 Bridge between 2D Photocatalyst and Co-catalyst for Directed Charge Transfer toward Efficient H2O2 Synthesis
Author: Weikang Wang, Rong Liu, Jianjun Zhang, Tingting Kong, Lele Wang, Xiaohui Yu, Xiaomin Ji, Qinqin Liu, Ran Long, Zhou Lu, Yujie Xiong
Issue&Volume: 2024-10-08
Abstract: Two-dimensional (2D) polymeric semiconductors are a class of promising photocatalysts; however, it remains challenging to facilitate their interlayer charge transfer for suppressed in-plane charge recombination and thus improved quantum efficiency. Although some strategies, such as π-π stacking and van der Waals interaction, have been developed so far, directed interlayer charge transfer still cannot be achieved. Herein, we report a strategy of forming asymmetric Zn–N3 units that can bridge nitrogen (N)-doped carbon layers with polymeric carbon nitride nanosheets (C3N4-Zn-N(C)) to address this challenge. The symmetry-breaking Zn–N3 moiety, which has an asymmetric local charge distribution, enables directed interfacial charge transfer between the C3N4 photocatalyst and the N-doped carbon co-catalyst. As evidenced by femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy, charge separation can be significantly enhanced by the interfacial asymmetric Zn–N3 bonding bridges. As a result, the designed C3N4-Zn-N(C) catalyst exhibits dramatically enhanced H2O2 photosynthesis activity, outperforming most of the reported C3N4-based catalysts. This work highlights the importance of tailoring interfacial chemical bonding channels in polymeric photocatalysts at the molecular level to achieve effective spatial charge separation.
DOI: 10.1002/anie.202415800
Angewandte Chemie:《德国应用化学》,创刊于1887年。隶属于德国化学会,最新IF:16.823