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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/10/12 16:22:25

美国威尔康奈尔医学院Bishoy M. Faltas团队近期取得重要工作进展,他们研究提出突变和ecDNA的相互作用影响尿路上皮癌的演变。相关研究成果2024年10月9日在线发表于《自然》杂志上。




形成ecDNA的SV持续存在,复杂性增加,包含额外的DNA片段,并有助于治疗耐药性的演化。牛津纳米孔技术长读全基因组测序,然后重头组装,绘制出CCND1 ecDNA结构。CCND1 ecDNA的实验建模证实了其作为治疗耐药性驱动因素的作用。



Title: The interplay of mutagenesis and ecDNA shapes urothelial cancer evolution

Author: Nguyen, Duy D., Hooper, William F., Liu, Weisi, Chu, Timothy R., Geiger, Heather, Shelton, Jennifer M., Shah, Minita, Goldstein, Zoe R., Winterkorn, Lara, Helland, Adrienne, Sigouros, Michael, Manohar, Jyothi, Moyer, Jenna, Al Assaad, Majd, Semaan, Alissa, Cohen, Sandra, Madorsky Rowdo, Florencia, Wilkes, David, Osman, Mohamed, Singh, Rahul R., Sboner, Andrea, Valentine, Henkel L., Abbosh, Phillip, Tagawa, Scott T., Nanus, David M., Nauseef, Jones T., Sternberg, Cora N., Molina, Ana M., Scherr, Douglas, Inghirami, Giorgio, Mosquera, Juan Miguel, Elemento, Olivier, Robine, Nicolas, Faltas, Bishoy M.

Issue&Volume: 2024-10-09

Abstract: Advanced urothelial cancer is a frequently lethal disease characterized by marked genetic heterogeneity1. In this study, we investigated the evolution of genomic signatures caused by endogenous and external mutagenic processes and their interplay with complex structural variants (SVs). We superimposed mutational signatures and phylogenetic analyses of matched serial tumours from patients with urothelial cancer to define the evolutionary dynamics of these processes. We show that APOBEC3-induced mutations are clonal and early, whereas chemotherapy induces mutational bursts of hundreds of late subclonal mutations. Using a genome graph computational tool2, we observed frequent high copy-number circular amplicons characteristic of extrachromosomal DNA (ecDNA)-forming SVs. We characterized the distinct temporal patterns of APOBEC3-induced and chemotherapy-induced mutations within ecDNA-forming SVs, gaining new insights into the timing of these mutagenic processes relative to ecDNA biogenesis. We discovered that most CCND1 amplifications in urothelial cancer arise within circular ecDNA-forming SVs. ecDNA-forming SVs persisted and increased in complexity, incorporating additional DNA segments and contributing to the evolution of treatment resistance. Oxford Nanopore Technologies long-read whole-genome sequencing followed by de novo assembly mapped out CCND1 ecDNA structure. Experimental modelling of CCND1 ecDNA confirmed its role as a driver of treatment resistance. Our findings define fundamental mechanisms that drive urothelial cancer evolution and have important therapeutic implications.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07955-3

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-07955-3

