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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2023/9/24 21:42:32

以色列魏茨曼科学研究所Rafal Klajn研究团队报道了约束条件下下可见光敏化偶氮苯的去平衡。相关研究成果发表在2023年9月22日出版的《科学》。





Title: Disequilibrating azobenzenes by visible-light sensitization under confinement

Author: Julius Gemen, Jonathan R. Church, Tero-Petri Ruoko, Nikita Durandin, Micha J. Biaek, Maren Weienfels, Moran Feller, Miri Kazes, Magdalena Odaybat, Veniamin A. Borin, Rishir Kalepu, Yael Diskin-Posner, Dan Oron, Matthew J. Fuchter, Arri Priimagi, Igor Schapiro, Rafal Klajn

Issue&Volume: 2023-09-22

Abstract: Photoisomerization of azobenzenes from their stable E isomer to the metastable Z state is the basis of numerous applications of these molecules. However, this reaction typically requires ultraviolet light, which limits applicability. In this study, we introduce disequilibration by sensitization under confinement (DESC), a supramolecular approach to induce the E-to-Z isomerization by using light of a desired color, including red. DESC relies on a combination of a macrocyclic host and a photosensitizer, which act together to selectively bind and sensitize E-azobenzenes for isomerization. The Z isomer lacks strong affinity for and is expelled from the host, which can then convert additional E-azobenzenes to the Z state. In this way, the host–photosensitizer complex converts photon energy into chemical energy in the form of out-of-equilibrium photostationary states, including ones that cannot be accessed through direct photoexcitation.

DOI: adh9059

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adh9059

