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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2023/8/19 0:08:13

近日,美国华盛顿大学的Xiaodong Xu及其研究小组取得一项新进展。经过不懈努力,他们成功观察到分数量子反常霍尔效应。相关研究成果已于2023年8月17日在国际权威学术期刊《自然》上发表。





Title: Observation of Fractionally Quantized Anomalous Hall Effect

Author: Park, Heonjoon, Cai, Jiaqi, Anderson, Eric, Zhang, Yinong, Zhu, Jiayi, Liu, Xiaoyu, Wang, Chong, Holtzmann, William, Hu, Chaowei, Liu, Zhaoyu, Taniguchi, Takashi, Watanabe, Kenji, Chu, Jiun-haw, Cao, Ting, Fu, Liang, Yao, Wang, Chang, Cui-Zu, Cobden, David, Xiao, Di, Xu, Xiaodong

Issue&Volume: 2023-08-17

Abstract: The integer quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) effect is a lattice analog of the quantum Hall effect at zero magnetic field. This striking phenomenon occurs in systems with topologically nontrivial bands and spontaneous time-reversal symmetry breaking. Discovery of its fractional counterpart in the presence of strong electron correlations, i.e., the fractional quantum anomalous Hall (FQAH) effect, would open a new chapter in condensed matter physics. Here, we report direct observation of both integer and fractional QAH effects in electrical measurements on twisted bilayer MoTe2. At zero magnetic field, near filling factor ν=-1 (one hole per moiré unit cell) we see an integer QAH plateau in the Hall resistance Rxy quantized to h/e2±0.1% while longitudinal resistance Rxx vanishes. Remarkably, at ν=-2/3 and -3/5 we see plateau features in Rxy at 3/2h/e2±1% and 5/3h/e2±3%, respectively, while Rxx remains small. All features shift linearly versus applied magnetic field with slopes matching the corresponding Chern numbers -1, -2/3, and -3/5, precisely as expected for integer and fractional QAH states. Additionally, at zero magnetic field, Rxy is approximately 2h/e2 near half filling (ν=-1/2) and varies linearly as ν is tuned. This behavior resembles that of the composite Fermi liquid in the half-filled lowest Landau level of a two-dimensional electron gas at high magnetic field Direct observation of the FQAH and associated effects paves the way for researching charge fractionalization and anyonic statistics at zero magnetic field.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-06536-0

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06536-0

