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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2023/6/18 22:25:11

美国贝勒医学院Benjamin Deneen团队发现,星形细胞Slc22a3的诱导通过组蛋白血清素化调节感觉加工。相关论文于2023年6月16日发表在《科学》杂志上。




Title: Induction of astrocytic Slc22a3 regulates sensory processing through histone serotonylation

Author: Debosmita Sardar, Yi-Ting Cheng, Junsung Woo, Dong-Joo Choi, Zhung-Fu Lee, Wookbong Kwon, Hsiao-Chi Chen, Brittney Lozzi, Alexis Cervantes, Kavitha Rajendran, Teng-Wei Huang, Antrix Jain, Benjamin R. Arenkiel, Ian Maze, Benjamin Deneen

Issue&Volume: 2023-06-16

Abstract: Neuronal activity drives alterations in gene expression within neurons, yet how it directs transcriptional and epigenomic changes in neighboring astrocytes in functioning circuits is unknown. We found that neuronal activity induces widespread transcriptional up-regulation and down-regulation in astrocytes, highlighted by the identification of Slc22a3 as an activity-inducible astrocyte gene that encodes neuromodulator transporter Slc22a3 and regulates sensory processing in the mouse olfactory bulb. Loss of astrocytic Slc22a3 reduced serotonin levels in astrocytes, leading to alterations in histone serotonylation. Inhibition of histone serotonylation in astrocytes reduced the expression of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) biosynthetic genes and GABA release, culminating in olfactory deficits. Our study reveals that neuronal activity orchestrates transcriptional and epigenomic responses in astrocytes while illustrating new mechanisms for how astrocytes process neuromodulatory input to gate neurotransmitter release for sensory processing.

DOI: ade0027

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.ade0027
