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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2023/5/31 9:43:07

美国耶鲁生物圈研究所Maya F. Stokes的团队在研究异质岩石侵蚀驱动阿巴拉契亚鱼类的多样化上取得新进展。该项研究成果发表在2023年5月26日出版的《科学》上。

研究人员发现,不同岩石类型的侵蚀导致了绿鳍镖鲈(Nothonotus chlorobranchius)谱系之间的异地分化,这是一种美国纳西河流域变质岩河流特有的鱼类。过去,绿鳍镖鲈偏爱的变质岩分布更广,但随着侵蚀暴露出其他岩石类型,这一物种的谱系逐渐被隔离,在更上游的支流中,那里仍然有变质岩。研究结果表明,一种地质机制,在构造活动停止很久以后,才开始山脉的异地多样化。



Title: Erosion of heterogeneous rock drives diversification of Appalachian fishes

Author: Maya F. Stokes, Daemin Kim, Sean F. Gallen, Edgar Benavides, Benjamin P. Keck, Julia Wood, Samuel L. Goldberg, Isaac J. Larsen, Jon Michael Mollish, Jeffrey W. Simmons, Thomas J. Near, J. Taylor Perron

Issue&Volume: 2023-05-26

Abstract: The high levels of biodiversity supported by mountains suggest a possible link between geologic processes and biological evolution. Freshwater biodiversity is high not only in tectonically active settings but also in tectonically quiescent montane regions such as the Appalachian Mountains. We show that erosion through different rock types drove allopatric divergence between lineages of the Greenfin Darter (Nothonotus chlorobranchius), a fish species endemic to rivers draining metamorphic rocks in the Tennessee River basin in the United States. In the past, metamorphic rock preferred by N. chlorobranchius was more widespread, but as erosion exposed other rock types, lineages of this species were progressively isolated in tributaries farther upstream, where metamorphic rock remained. Our results suggest a geologic mechanism for initiating allopatric diversification in mountains long after tectonic activity ceases.

DOI: add9791

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.add9791
