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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2023/5/31 17:57:55

近日,美国宾州大学Roberto Dominguez及其小组揭示肌动蛋白丝自由端和加帽端的结构。该项研究成果于2023年5月25日在线发表在《科学》杂志上。




Title: Structures of the free and capped ends of the actin filament

Author: Peter J. Carman, Kyle R. Barrie, Grzegorz Rebowski, Roberto Dominguez

Issue&Volume: 2023-05-25

Abstract: The barbed and pointed ends of the actin filament (F-actin) are the sites of growth/shrinkage and the targets of capping proteins that block subunit exchange, including CapZ at the barbed end and tropomodulin at the pointed end. We describe cryo-electron microscopy structures of the free and capped ends of F-actin. Terminal subunits at the free barbed end adopt a “flat” F-actin conformation. CapZ binds with minor changes to the barbed end but major changes to itself. In contrast, subunits at the free pointed end adopt a “twisted” G-actin conformation. Tropomodulin binding forces the second subunit into an F-actin conformation. The structures reveal how the ends differ from the middle in F-actin and how these differences control subunit addition/dissociation, capping, and interactions with end-binding proteins.

DOI: adg6812

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adg6812
