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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2023/5/31 16:53:05

德国自由席勒大学Christian A. Hübner等研究人员合作发现,泛素化ER塑形蛋白的异源聚集驱动ER自噬。该研究于2023年5月24日在线发表于国际一流学术期刊《自然》。




Title: Heteromeric clusters of ubiquitinated ER-shaping proteins drive ER-phagy

Author: Foronda, Hector, Fu, Yangxue, Covarrubias-Pinto, Adriana, Bocker, Hartmut T., Gonzlez, Alexis, Seemann, Eric, Franzka, Patricia, Bock, Andrea, Bhaskara, Ramachandra M., Liebmann, Lutz, Hoffmann, Marina E., Katona, Istvan, Koch, Nicole, Weis, Joachim, Kurth, Ingo, Gleeson, Joseph G., Reggiori, Fulvio, Hummer, Gerhard, Kessels, Michael M., Qualmann, Britta, Mari, Muriel, Diki, Ivan, Hbner, Christian A.

Issue&Volume: 2023-05-24

Abstract: Membrane-shaping proteins characterized by reticulon homology domains play an important part in the dynamic remodelling of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). An example of such a protein is FAM134B, which can bind LC3 proteins and mediate the degradation of ER sheets through selective autophagy (ER-phagy)1. Mutations in FAM134B result in a neurodegenerative disorder in humans that mainly affects sensory and autonomic neurons2. Here we report that ARL6IP1, another ER-shaping protein that contains a reticulon homology domain and is associated with sensory loss3, interacts with FAM134B and participates in the formation of heteromeric multi-protein clusters required for ER-phagy. Moreover, ubiquitination of ARL6IP1 promotes this process. Accordingly, disruption of Arl6ip1 in mice causes an expansion of ER sheets in sensory neurons that degenerate over time. Primary cells obtained from Arl6ip1-deficient mice or from patients display incomplete budding of ER membranes and severe impairment of ER-phagy flux. Therefore, we propose that the clustering of ubiquitinated ER-shaping proteins facilitates the dynamic remodelling of the ER during ER-phagy and is important for neuronal maintenance.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-06090-9

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06090-9

