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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2023/5/31 13:01:52

近日,美国波士顿大学的Alexander V. Sergienko及其研究小组取得一项新进展。经过不懈努力,他们利用相位敏感无偏多端口实现了灵敏度增强的干涉测量。相关研究成果已于2023年5月25日在国际知名学术期刊《物理评论A》上发表。




Title: Enhanced-sensitivity interferometry with phase-sensitive unbiased multiports

Author: Christopher R. Schwarze, David S. Simon, Alexander V. Sergienko

Issue&Volume: 2023/05/25

Abstract: Here we introduce interferometric devices by combining optical feedback (cavities) with unbiased multiports, which, unlike traditional beam dividers, allow light to reflect back out of the port from which it originated. By replacing the traditional, directionally biased beam-splitter in a Michelson interferometer with an unbiased multiport, the functional dependence of the scattering amplitudes changes. As a result, the derivative of transmittance with respect to an external phase perturbation can be made substantially large. This significantly enhances the resolution of phase measurement and allows the phase response curves to be altered in real time by tuning an externally controllable phase shift.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.107.052615

Source: https://journals.aps.org/pra/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevA.107.052615


Physical Review A:《物理评论A》,创刊于1970年。隶属于美国物理学会,最新IF:2.97