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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2023/5/10 10:00:22

法国蔚蓝海岸大学Briaud, Arthur和Fienga, Agns小组在研究月球固体内核和地幔推翻上取得新成果。2023年5月3日,国际知名学术期刊《自然》发表了这一成果。

研究人员将来自蒙特卡洛勘探的地球物理和测地线约束数据和月球内部结构的热力学模拟相结合,以表明只有富含钛铁矿的低粘度区和内核的模型,呈现出约束热力学推导出的密度与潮汐变形推导出的密度一致。因此,研究人员获得了支持月球地幔翻转假设的有力证据,并在此背景下,证明了月球内核的存在,其半径为258 ± 40km,密度为7,822 ± 1,615kg/m-3。研究结果对月球磁场的演变提出了质疑,因为它证明了内核的存在,并支持全球地幔翻转的假设,这为太阳系第一个十亿年的月球撞击时间表带来了实质性的见解。



Title: The lunar solid inner core and the mantle overturn

Author: Briaud, Arthur, Ganino, Clment, Fienga, Agns, Mmin, Anthony, Rambaux, Nicolas

Issue&Volume: 2023-05-03

Abstract: Seismological models from Apollo missions provided the first records of the Moon inner structure with a decrease in seismic wave velocities at the core–mantle boundary. The resolution of these records prevents a strict detection of a putative lunar solid inner core and the impact of the lunar mantle overturn in the lowest part of the Moon is still discussed. Here we combine geophysical and geodesic constraints from Monte Carlo exploration and thermodynamical simulations for different Moon internal structures to show that only models with a low viscosity zone enriched in ilmenite and an inner core present densities deduced from thermodynamic constraints compatible with densities deduced from tidal deformations. We thus obtain strong indications in favour of the lunar mantle overturn scenario and, in this context, demonstrate the existence of the lunar inner core with a radius of 258±40km and density 7,822±1,615kg/m-3. Our results question the evolution of the Moon magnetic field thanks to its demonstration of the existence of the inner core and support a global mantle overturn scenario that brings substantial insights on the timeline of the lunar bombardment in the first billion years of the Solar System.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-05935-7

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-05935-7

