近日,美国波士顿学院Danielle E. LeBlanc及其团队在研究更新世间冰期劳伦泰德冰盖的持续存在方面取得新进展。2023年3月22日出版的《地质学》发表了这项成果。
Title: Laurentide Ice Sheet persistence during Pleistocene interglacials
Author: Danielle E. LeBlanc, Jeremy D. Shakun, Lee B. Corbett, Paul R. Bierman, Marc W. Caffee, Alan J. Hidy
Issue&Volume: 2023-03-22
Abstract: While there are no ice sheets in the Northern Hemisphere outside of Greenland today, it is uncertain whether this was also the case during most other Quaternary interglacials. We show, using in situ cosmogenic nuclides in ice-rafted debris, that the Laurentide Ice Sheet was likely more persistent during Quaternary interglacials than often thought. Low 26Al/10Be ratios (indicative of burial of the source area) in marine core sediment suggest sediment source areas experienced only brief (on the order of thousands of years) and/or infrequent ice-free interglacials over the past million years. These results imply that complete Laurentide deglaciation may have only occurred when climate forcings reached levels comparable to those of the early Holocene, making our current interglacial unusual relative to others of the mid-to-late Pleistocene.
DOI: 10.1130/G50820.1