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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2023/3/23 11:42:48

美国耶鲁大学Rong Fan、瑞典卡罗林斯卡医学院Gonçalo Castelo-Branco和美国宾夕法尼亚大学Yanxiang Deng共同合作,近期取得重要工作进展。他们对哺乳动物组织的空间表观基因组和转录组进行了联合分析。相关研究成果2023年3月15日在线发表于《自然》杂志上。





Title: Spatial epigenome–transcriptome co-profiling of mammalian tissues

Author: Zhang, Di, Deng, Yanxiang, Kukanja, Petra, Agirre, Eneritz, Bartosovic, Marek, Dong, Mingze, Ma, Cong, Ma, Sai, Su, Graham, Bao, Shuozhen, Liu, Yang, Xiao, Yang, Rosoklija, Gorazd B., Dwork, Andrew J., Mann, J. John, Leong, Kam W., Boldrini, Maura, Wang, Liya, Haeussler, Maximilian, Raphael, Benjamin J., Kluger, Yuval, Castelo-Branco, Gonalo, Fan, Rong

Issue&Volume: 2023-03-15

Abstract: Emerging spatial technologies, including spatial transcriptomics and spatial epigenomics, are becoming powerful tools for profiling of cellular states in the tissue context1,2,3,4,5. However, current methods capture only one layer of omics information at a time, precluding the possibility of examining the mechanistic relationship across the central dogma of molecular biology. Here, we present two technologies for spatially resolved, genome-wide, joint profiling of the epigenome and transcriptome by cosequencing chromatin accessibility and gene expression, or histone modifications (H3K27me3, H3K27ac or H3K4me3) and gene expression on the same tissue section at near-single-cell resolution. These were applied to embryonic and juvenile mouse brain, as well as adult human brain, to map how epigenetic mechanisms control transcriptional phenotype and cell dynamics in tissue. Although highly concordant tissue features were identified by either spatial epigenome or spatial transcriptome we also observed distinct patterns, suggesting their differential roles in defining cell states. Linking epigenome to transcriptome pixel by pixel allows the uncovering of new insights in spatial epigenetic priming, differentiation and gene regulation within the tissue architecture. These technologies are of great interest in life science and biomedical research.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-05795-1

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-05795-1

