Title: Imaging the breaking of electrostatic dams in graphene for ballistic and viscous fluids
Author: Zachary J. Krebs, Wyatt A. Behn, Songci Li, Keenan J. Smith, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Alex Levchenko, Victor W. Brar
Issue&Volume: 2023-02-17
Abstract: The charge carriers in a material can, under special circumstances, behave as a viscous fluid. In this work, we investigated such behavior by using scanning tunneling potentiometry to probe the nanometer-scale flow of electron fluids in graphene as they pass through channels defined by smooth and tunable in-plane p-n junction barriers. We observed that as the sample temperature and channel widths are increased, the electron fluid flow undergoes a Knudsen-to-Gurzhi transition from the ballistic to the viscous regime characterized by a channel conductance that exceeds the ballistic limit, as well as suppressed charge accumulation against the barriers. Our results are well modeled by finite element simulations of two-dimensional viscous current flow, and they illustrate how Fermi liquid flow evolves with carrier density, channel width, and temperature.
DOI: abm6073
Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abm6073