Title: Interlayer Charge Transfer Regulates Single-Atom Catalytic Activity on Electride/Graphene 2D Heterojunctions
Author: Wei Li, Cong Liu, Chenkai Gu, Jin-Ho Choi, Song Wang, Jun Jiang
Issue&Volume: February 17, 2023
Abstract: Single-atom catalysts with structure and activity tunability have attracted significant attention for energy and environmental applications. Herein we present a first-principles study of single-atom catalysis on two-dimensional graphene and electride heterostructures. The anion electron gas in the electride layer enables a colossal electron transfer to the graphene layer, with the degree of transfer being controllable by the selection of electride. The charge transfer tunes the d-orbital electron occupancy of a single metal atom, enhancing the catalytic activity of hydrogen evolution reactions and oxygen reduction reactions. The strong correlation between the adsorption energy Eads and the charge variation Δq suggests that interfacial charge transfer is a critical catalytic descriptor for the heterostructure-based catalysts. The polynomial regression model proves the importance of charge transfer and accurately predicts the adsorption energy of ions and molecules. This study provides a strategy to obtain high-efficiency single-atom catalysts using two-dimensional heterostructures.
DOI: 10.1021/jacs.2c13596
Source: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/jacs.2c13596