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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2023/11/12 15:24:42

近日,智利康塞普西翁大学Tassara Andrs及其课题组的最新研究报道了速度衰减断层屏障的多种滑动行为。这一研究成果于2023年11月9日发表在国际顶尖学术期刊《自然—地球科学》上。




Title: Diverse slip behaviour of velocity-weakening fault barriers

Author: Molina-Ormazabal, Diego, Ampuero, Jean-Paul, Tassara, Andrs

Issue&Volume: 2023-11-09

Abstract: Seismic barriers are fault portions that promote earthquake rupture arrest and fault segmentation. Despite their fundamental role in controlling the maximum magnitude of earthquakes, the nature of seismic barriers is still uncertain. A common interpretation of barriers as having velocity-strengthening friction—steady-state friction that increases with increasing slip velocity—is only partially consistent with the thermal control of friction observed in laboratory experiments, which implies that most relevant materials in subduction channels are velocity-weakening at seismogenic depths. Here we examine the possibility of velocity-weakening barriers by conducting earthquake cycle simulations along a velocity-weakening megathrust segmented by lateral variations of frictional properties and normal stress. We show that velocity-weakening fault segments display a wide range of behaviours, including permanent barrier behaviour. They can be locked during long periods and release their slip deficit either seismically or aseismically. We quantify the efficiency of velocity-weakening barriers in arresting ruptures using a non-dimensional parameter based on fracture mechanics theory that can be constrained by observations on natural faults. Our results provide a theoretical framework that could improve physics-based seismic hazard assessment.

DOI: 10.1038/s41561-023-01312-1

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41561-023-01312-1

Nature Geoscience:《自然—地球科学》,创刊于2008年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:21.531