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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2023/1/8 16:25:53


在人类衰老的细胞中,研究人员发现HERVK(HML-2),即最近整合的人类内源性逆转录病毒(ERV),被解锁进而转录病毒基因并产生逆转录病毒样颗粒(RVLP)。这些HERVK RVLP构成了在年轻细胞中引起衰老表型的可传播信息,这可以通过中和抗体来阻断。在老年灵长类动物和小鼠的器官以及人类组织和老年人的血清中也观察到ERV的激活。它们的抑制可以缓解细胞的衰老和组织的退化,并在一定程度上缓解机体的衰老。这些发现表明,ERV的复苏是细胞衰老和组织老化的一个标志和驱动力。

Title: Resurrection of endogenous retroviruses during aging reinforces senescence

Author: Xiaoqian Liu, Zunpeng Liu, Zeming Wu, Jie Ren, Yanling Fan, Liang Sun, Gang Cao, Yuyu Niu, Baohu Zhang, Qianzhao Ji, Xiaoyu Jiang, Cui Wang, Qiaoran Wang, Zhejun Ji, Lanzhu Li, Concepcion Rodriguez Esteban, Kaowen Yan, Wei Li, Yusheng Cai, Si Wang, Aihua Zheng, Yong E. Zhang, Shengjun Tan, Yingao Cai, Moshi Song, Falong Lu, Fuchou Tang, Weizhi Ji, Qi Zhou, Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte, Weiqi Zhang, Jing Qu, Guang-Hui Liu

Issue&Volume: 2023-01-06

Abstract: Whether and how certain transposable elements with viral origins, such as endogenous retroviruses (ERVs) dormant in our genomes, can become awakened and contribute to the aging process is largely unknown. In human senescent cells, we found that HERVK (HML-2), the most recently integrated human ERVs, are unlocked to transcribe viral genes and produce retrovirus-like particles (RVLPs). These HERVK RVLPs constitute a transmissible message to elicit senescence phenotypes in young cells, which can be blocked by neutralizing antibodies. The activation of ERVs was also observed in organs of aged primates and mice as well as in human tissues and serum from the elderly. Their repression alleviates cellular senescence and tissue degeneration and, to some extent, organismal aging. These findings indicate that the resurrection of ERVs is a hallmark and driving force of cellular senescence and tissue aging.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2022.12.017

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(22)01530-6
