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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2022/9/11 21:40:55



此外,PRD-like homeobox转录因子,包括TPRXL、TPRX1和TPRX2,在合子基因组激活(ZGA)周围被高度翻译。TPRX1/2/L敲除导致ZGA和植入前发育的缺陷。异位表达的TPRX在人类胚胎干细胞中结合并激活关键的ZGA基因。这些数据揭示了卵母细胞向胚胎过渡(OET)期间翻译图谱的保守和分化,并确定了人类ZGA的关键调节因子。



Title: Translatome and transcriptome co-profiling reveals a role of TPRXs in human zygotic genome activation

Author: Zhuoning Zou, Chuanxin Zhang, Qiuyan Wang, Zhenzhen Hou, Zhuqing Xiong, Feng Kong, Qiujun Wang, Jinzhu Song, Boyang Liu, Bofeng Liu, Lijuan Wang, Fangnong Lai, Qiang Fan, Wenrong Tao, Shuai Zhao, Xiaonan Ma, Miao Li, Keliang Wu, Han Zhao, Zi-Jiang Chen, Wei Xie

Issue&Volume: 2022-09-08

Abstract: Translational regulation plays a critical role during the oocyte-to-embryo transition (OET) and zygotic genome activation (ZGA). Here, we integrated ultra-low-input Ribo-seq with mRNA-seq to co-profile the translatome and transcriptome in human oocytes and early embryos. Comparison with mouse counterparts identified widespread differentially translated genes functioning in epigenetic reprogramming, transposon defense, and small RNA biogenesis, in part driven by species-specific regulatory elements in 3′ untranslated regions. Moreover, PRD-like homeobox transcription factors, including TPRXL, TPRX1, and TPRX2, are highly translated around ZGA. TPRX1/2/L knockdown leads to defective ZGA and preimplantation development. Ectopically expressed TPRXs bind and activate key ZGA genes in human embryonic stem cells. These data reveal the conservation and divergence of translation landscapes during OET and identify critical regulators of human ZGA.

DOI: abo7923

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abo7923

