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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2022/5/15 13:52:58

美国斯坦福大学Edgar G. Engleman、Nathan E. Reticker-Flynn等研究人员合作发现,淋巴结定植诱导肿瘤免疫耐受来促进远处转移。这一研究成果于2022年5月6日在线发表在国际学术期刊《细胞》上。




Title: Lymph node colonization induces tumor-immune tolerance to promote distant metastasis

Author: Nathan E. Reticker-Flynn, Weiruo Zhang, Julia A. Belk, Pamela A. Basto, Nichole K. Escalante, Genay O.W. Pilarowski, Alborz Bejnood, Maria M. Martins, Justin A. Kenkel, Ian L. Linde, Sreya Bagchi, Robert Yuan, Serena Chang, Matthew H. Spitzer, Yaron Carmi, Jiahan Cheng, Lorna L. Tolentino, Okmi Choi, Nancy Wu, Christina S. Kong, Andrew J. Gentles, John B. Sunwoo, Ansuman T. Satpathy, Sylvia K. Plevritis, Edgar G. Engleman

Issue&Volume: 2022-05-06

Abstract: For many solid malignancies, lymph node (LN) involvement represents a harbinger ofdistant metastatic disease and, therefore, an important prognostic factor. Beyondits utility as a biomarker, whether and how LN metastasis plays an active role inshaping distant metastasis remains an open question. Here, we develop a syngeneicmelanoma mouse model of LN metastasis to investigate how tumors spread to LNs andwhether LN colonization influences metastasis to distant tissues. We show that anepigenetically instilled tumor-intrinsic interferon response program confers enhancedLN metastatic potential by enabling the evasion of NK cells and promoting LN colonization.LN metastases resist T cell-mediated cytotoxicity, induce antigen-specific regulatoryT cells, and generate tumor-specific immune tolerance that subsequently facilitatesdistant tumor colonization. These effects extend to human cancers and other murinecancer models, implicating a conserved systemic mechanism by which malignancies spreadto distant organs.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2022.04.019

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(22)00466-4
