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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2022/4/4 12:52:31

美国加州大学戴维斯分校James A. Letts研究小组揭示真核生物核心代谢的多样性。相关论文于2022年3月31日在线发表于国际学术期刊《科学》。

为了探究真核生物呼吸作用的功能和结构多样性,研究人员探索了四膜虫Tetrahymena thermophila(Tt)的呼吸链。在混合样品上使用冷冻电镜,研究人员解析了Tt-复合物I(CI)和Tt-CIII2(Tt-SC I+III2)之间的超级复合物的结构以及Tt-CIV2的结构。Tt-SC I+III2(约2.3 MDa)是一个弯曲的组合体,其结构和功能对称性被打破。Tt-CIV2是一个约2.7 MDa的二聚体,每个质体有超过52个亚单位,包括线粒体载体和一个TIM83-TIM133类似结构域。




Title: Structures of Tetrahymena’s respiratory chain reveal the diversity of eukaryotic core metabolism

Author: Long Zhou, María Maldonado, Abhilash Padavannil, Fei Guo, James A. Letts

Issue&Volume: 2022-04-01

Abstract: Respiration is a core biological energy-converting process whose last steps are carried out by a chain of multi-subunit complexes in the inner mitochondrial membrane. To probe the functional and structural diversity of eukaryotic respiration, we examined the respiratory chain of the ciliate Tetrahymena thermophila (Tt). Using cryo-electron microscopy on a mixed sample, we solved structures of a supercomplex between Tt-complex I (CI) and Tt-CIII2 (Tt-SC I+III2) and a structure of Tt-CIV2. Tt-SC I+III2 (~2.3 MDa) is a curved assembly with structural and functional symmetry breaking. Tt-CIV2 is a ~2.7 MDa dimer with over 52 subunits per protomer, including mitochondrial carriers and a TIM83-TIM133-like domain. Our structural and functional study of the T. thermophila respiratory chain reveals divergence in key components of eukaryotic respiration, expanding our understanding of core metabolism.

DOI: abn7747

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abn7747

