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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2022/3/20 14:54:47

沙特阿卜杜拉国王科技大学 Simon G. Krattinger和南非Stellenbosch大学Renée Prins共同合作取得重要进展。他们的最新研究揭示了面包小麦基因组长序列测序有助于抗病基因的克隆。该项研究成果2022年3月14日在线发表于《自然—遗传学》杂志上。

在这里,研究小组通过结合高保真长读长、光学作图和染色体构象捕获,生成了南非面包小麦 (Triticum aestivum) 栽培品种 Kariega 的14.7Gib染色体级组装。由此产生的染色体组装比之前的小麦组装多了接近一个数量级。Kariega 对毁灭性的真菌条锈病具有持久的抵抗力。研究人员确定了编码细胞内免疫受体的种族特异性疾病抗性基因Yr27是这种抗性的主要贡献者。Yr27 与叶锈病抗性基因 Lr13 是等位基因且Yr27和Lr13蛋白具有97%的序列一致性。




Title: Long-read genome sequencing of bread wheat facilitates disease resistance gene cloning

Author: Athiyannan, Naveenkumar, Abrouk, Michael, Boshoff, Willem H. P., Cauet, Stphane, Rodde, Nathalie, Kudrna, David, Mohammed, Nahed, Bettgenhaeuser, Jan, Botha, Kirsty S., Derman, Shannon S., Wing, Rod A., Prins, Rene, Krattinger, Simon G.

Issue&Volume: 2022-03-14

Abstract: The cloning of agronomically important genes from large, complex crop genomes remains challenging. Here we generate a 14.7gigabase chromosome-scale assembly of the South African bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) cultivar Kariega by combining high-fidelity long reads, optical mapping and chromosome conformation capture. The resulting assembly is an order of magnitude more contiguous than previous wheat assemblies. Kariega shows durable resistance to the devastating fungal stripe rust disease1. We identified the race-specific disease resistance gene Yr27, which encodes an intracellular immune receptor, to be a major contributor to this resistance. Yr27 is allelic to the leaf rust resistance gene Lr13; the Yr27 and Lr13 proteins show 97% sequence identity2,3. Our results demonstrate the feasibility of generating chromosome-scale wheat assemblies to clone genes, and exemplify that highly similar alleles of a single-copy gene can confer resistance to different pathogens, which might provide a basis for engineering Yr27 alleles with multiple recognition specificities in the future.

DOI: 10.1038/s41588-022-01022-1

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41588-022-01022-1


Nature Genetics:《自然—遗传学》,创刊于1992年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:25.455