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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2022/2/20 14:08:05

美国加州理工学院Sarkis K. Mazmanian、Brittany D. Needham等研究人员合作发现,一种源自肠道的代谢物可改变小鼠的大脑活动和焦虑行为。2022年2月14日,《自然》杂志在线发表了这项成果。




Title: A gut-derived metabolite alters brain activity and anxiety behaviour in mice

Author: Needham, Brittany D., Funabashi, Masanori, Adame, Mark D., Wang, Zhuo, Boktor, Joseph C., Haney, Jillian, Wu, Wei-Li, Rabut, Claire, Ladinsky, Mark S., Hwang, Son-Jong, Guo, Yumei, Zhu, Qiyun, Griffiths, Jessica A., Knight, Rob, Bjorkman, Pamela J., Shapiro, Mikhail G., Geschwind, Daniel H., Holschneider, Daniel P., Fischbach, Michael A., Mazmanian, Sarkis K.

Issue&Volume: 2022-02-14

Abstract: Integration of sensory and molecular inputs from the environment shapes animal behaviour. A major site of exposure to environmental molecules is the gastrointestinal tract, in which dietary components are chemically transformed by the microbiota1 and gut-derived metabolites are disseminated to all organs, including the brain2. In mice, the gut microbiota impacts behaviour3, modulates neurotransmitter production in the gut and brain4,5, and influences brain development and myelination patterns6,7. The mechanisms that mediate the gut–brain interactions remain poorly defined, although they broadly involve humoral or neuronal connections. We previously reported that the levels of the microbial metabolite 4-ethylphenyl sulfate (4EPS) were increased in a mouse model of atypical neurodevelopment8. Here we identified biosynthetic genes from the gut microbiome that mediate the conversion of dietary tyrosine to 4-ethylphenol (4EP), and bioengineered gut bacteria to selectively produce 4EPS in mice. 4EPS entered the brain and was associated with changes in region-specific activity and functional connectivity. Gene expression signatures revealed altered oligodendrocyte function in the brain, and 4EPS impaired oligodendrocyte maturation in mice and decreased oligodendrocyte–neuron interactions in ex vivo brain cultures. Mice colonized with 4EP-producing bacteria exhibited reduced myelination of neuronal axons. Altered myelination dynamics in the brain have been associated with behavioural outcomes7,9,10,11,12,13,14. Accordingly, we observed that mice exposed to 4EPS displayed anxiety-like behaviours, and pharmacological treatments that promote oligodendrocyte differentiation prevented the behavioural effects of 4EPS. These findings reveal that a gut-derived molecule influences complex behaviours in mice through effects on oligodendrocyte function and myelin patterning in the brain.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-022-04396-8

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04396-8

