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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2022/2/13 19:00:56

美国加州大学圣迭戈分校Ludmil B. Alexandrov研究小组发现,癌症聚集突变图谱揭示APOBEC3对ecDNA的诱变作用。这一研究成果于2022年2月9日在线发表在国际学术期刊《自然》上。


kataegis是由多种突变过程产生的,76.1%的kataegis事件表现出与活化诱导脱氨酶(AID)和APOBEC3脱氨酶家族有关的突变模式。在31%的有ecDNA的样本中发现了APOBEC3 kataegis和染色体外DNA(ecDNA)的共同出现,称为kyklonas(希腊语的旋风)。在大多数突变的ecDNA上观察到多个不同的kataegis事件。含有已知癌症基因的ecDNA同时表现出正选择和kataegis超突变。这些结果揭示了人类癌症中聚集突变过程的多样性以及APOBEC3在反复突变和助长ecDNA进化中的作用。



Title: Mapping clustered mutations in cancer reveals APOBEC3 mutagenesis of ecDNA

Author: Bergstrom, Erik N., Luebeck, Jens, Petljak, Mia, Khandekar, Azhar, Barnes, Mark, Zhang, Tongwu, Steele, Christopher D., Pillay, Nischalan, Landi, Maria Teresa, Bafna, Vineet, Mischel, Paul S., Harris, Reuben S., Alexandrov, Ludmil B.

Issue&Volume: 2022-02-09

Abstract: Clustered somatic mutations are common in cancer genomes and previous analyses reveal several types of clustered single-base substitutions, which include doublet- and multi-base substitutions1,2,3,4,5, diffuse hypermutation termed omikli6, and longer strand-coordinated events termed kataegis3,7,8,9. Here we provide a comprehensive characterization of clustered substitutions and clustered small insertions and deletions (indels) across 2,583 whole-genome-sequenced cancers from 30 types of cancer10. Clustered mutations were highly enriched in driver genes and associated with differential gene expression and changes in overall survival. Several distinct mutational processes gave rise to clustered indels, including signatures that were enriched in tobacco smokers and homologous-recombination-deficient cancers. Doublet-base substitutions were caused by at least 12 mutational processes, whereas most multi-base substitutions were generated by either tobacco smoking or exposure to ultraviolet light. Omikli events, which have previously been attributed to APOBEC3 activity6, accounted for a large proportion of clustered substitutions; however, only 16.2% of omikli matched APOBEC3 patterns. Kataegis was generated by multiple mutational processes, and 76.1% of all kataegic events exhibited mutational patterns that are associated with the activation-induced deaminase (AID) and APOBEC3 family of deaminases. Co-occurrence of APOBEC3 kataegis and extrachromosomal DNA (ecDNA), termed kyklonas (Greek for cyclone), was found in 31% of samples with ecDNA. Multiple distinct kyklonic events were observed on most mutated ecDNA. ecDNA containing known cancer genes exhibited both positive selection and kyklonic hypermutation. Our results reveal the diversity of clustered mutational processes in human cancer and the role of APOBEC3 in recurrently mutating and fuelling the evolution of ecDNA.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-022-04398-6

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04398-6

