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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2022/11/6 19:15:28

美国霍华德·休斯医学院Jeffrey C. Magee课题组发现,内嗅皮层指导CA1表征中与学习有关的变化。相关论文于2022年11月2日在线发表于国际学术期刊《自然》。





Title: Entorhinal cortex directs learning-related changes in CA1 representations

Author: Grienberger, Christine, Magee, Jeffrey C.

Issue&Volume: 2022-11-02

Abstract: Learning-related changes in brain activity are thought to underlie adaptive behaviours1,2. For instance, the learning of a reward site by rodents requires the development of an over-representation of that location in the hippocampus3,4,5,6. How this learning-related change occurs remains unknown. Here we recorded hippocampal CA1 population activity as mice learned a reward location on a linear treadmill. Physiological and pharmacological evidence suggests that the adaptive over-representation required behavioural timescale synaptic plasticity (BTSP)7. BTSP is known to be driven by dendritic voltage signals that we proposed were initiated by input from entorhinal cortex layer 3 (EC3). Accordingly, the CA1 over-representation was largely removed by optogenetic inhibition of EC3 activity. Recordings from EC3 neurons revealed an activity pattern that could provide an instructive signal directing BTSP to generate the over-representation. Consistent with this function, our observations show that exposure to a second environment possessing a prominent reward-predictive cue resulted in both EC3 activity and CA1 place field density that were more elevated at the cue than at the reward. These data indicate that learning-related changes in the hippocampus are produced by synaptic plasticity directed by an instructive signal from the EC3 that seems to be specifically adapted to the behaviourally relevant features of the environment.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-022-05378-6

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-05378-6

