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1,3-聚硼酯的高立体控制迭代合成及其在bahamaolide A合成中的应用
作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2022/11/26 16:27:59

英国布里斯托大学Varinder K. Aggarwal研究小组在有机合成研究中取得进展。他们实现了1,3-聚硼酯的高立体控制迭代合成,并将其用于合成bahamaolide A。2022年11月24日出版的《自然-化学》杂志发表了这项成果。


该方法已应用于14步合成含氧多烯大环内酯bahamaolide A,1,3-聚硼酯的灵活性已在各种立体定向转化中得到证明,可生成完全立体控制的聚烯烃、聚炔、聚酮和聚芳烃。



Title: Iterative synthesis of 1,3-polyboronic esters with high stereocontrol and application to the synthesis of bahamaolide A

Author: Aiken, Sheenagh G., Bateman, Joseph M., Liao, Hsuan-Hung, Fawcett, Alexander, Bootwicha, Teerawut, Vincetti, Paolo, Myers, Eddie L., Noble, Adam, Aggarwal, Varinder K.

Issue&Volume: 2022-11-24

Abstract: Polyketide natural products often contain common repeat motifs, for example, propionate, acetate and deoxypropionate, and so can be synthesized by iterative processes. We report here a highly efficient iterative strategy for the synthesis of polyacetates based on boronic ester homologation that does not require functional group manipulation between iterations. This process involves sequential asymmetric diboration of a terminal alkene, forming a 1,2-bis(boronic ester), followed by regio- and stereoselective homologation of the primary boronic ester with a butenyl metallated carbenoid to generate a 1,3-bis(boronic ester). Each transformation independently controls the stereochemical configuration, making the process highly versatile, and the sequence can be iterated prior to stereospecific oxidation of the 1,3-polyboronic ester to yield the 1,3-polyol. This methodology has been applied to a 14-step synthesis of the oxopolyene macrolide bahamaolide A, and the versatility of the 1,3-polyboronic esters has been demonstrated in various stereospecific transformations, leading to polyalkenes, -alkynes, -ketones and -aromatics with full stereocontrol.

DOI: 10.1038/s41557-022-01087-9

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41557-022-01087-9


Nature Chemistry:《自然—化学》,创刊于2009年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:21.687