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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2022/11/24 16:20:56

荷兰拉德堡德大学Wilson, Daniela A.团队报道了疏水锚自适应插入到聚(乙二醇)主体编程表面功能化。相关研究成果发表在2022年11月21日出版的《自然—化学》。




Title: Adaptive insertion of a hydrophobic anchor into a poly(ethylene glycol) host for programmable surface functionalization

Author: Zhang, Shaohua, Li, Wei, Luan, Jiabin, Srivastava, Abhinav, Carnevale, Vincenzo, Klein, Michael L., Sun, Jiawei, Wang, Danni, Teora, Serena P., Rijpkema, Sjoerd J., Meeldijk, Johannes D., Wilson, Daniela A.

Issue&Volume: 2022-11-21

Abstract: Covalent and non-covalent molecular binding are two strategies to tailor surface properties and functions. However, the lack of responsiveness and requirement for specific binding groups makes spatiotemporal control challenging. Here, we report the adaptive insertion of a hydrophobic anchor into a poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) host as a non-covalent binding strategy for surface functionalization. By using polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons as the hydrophobic anchor, hydrophilic charged and non-charged functional modules were spontaneously loaded onto PEG corona in 2min without the assistance of any catalysts and binding groups. The thermodynamically favourable insertion of the hydrophobic anchor can be reversed by pulling the functional module, enabling programmable surface functionalization. We anticipate that the adaptive molecular recognition between the hydrophobic anchor and the PEG host will challenge the hydrophilic understanding of PEG and enhance the progress in nanomedicine, advanced materials and nanotechnology.

DOI: 10.1038/s41557-022-01090-0

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41557-022-01090-0

