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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2022/1/23 17:06:39

法国勃艮第-弗朗什孔泰大学François Ghiringhelli、Emeric Limagne等研究人员合作发现,抑制MEK通过诱导癌细胞的CXCL10来克服化疗免疫疗法的耐药性。这一研究成果于2022年1月19日在线发表于国际学术期刊《癌细胞》。

利用肺部肿瘤模型,在这个模型中培美曲塞和顺铂(PEM/CDDP)化疗仍然无法与免疫检查点抑制剂(ICI)协同作用,研究人员将这种治疗的失败与它无法诱导CXCL10表达和CD8+ T细胞招募联系起来。通过药物筛选,研究人员发现将一种MEK抑制剂(MEKi)与PEM/CDDP结合在一起会引发癌细胞的CXCL10分泌和CD8T细胞招募,从而使其对ICI敏感。
Title: MEK inhibition overcomes chemoimmunotherapy resistance by inducing CXCL10 in cancer cells

Author: Emeric Limagne, Lisa Nuttin, Marion Thibaudin, Elise Jacquin, Romain Aucagne, Marjorie Bon, Solène Revy, Robby Barnestein, Elise Ballot, Caroline Truntzer, Valentin Derangère, Jean-David Fumet, Charlène Latour, Cédric Rébé, Pierre-Simon Bellaye, Coureche-Guillaume Kaderbha, Aodrenn Spill, Bertrand Collin, Mary B. Callanan, Aurélie Lagrange, Laure Favier, Bruno Coudert, Laurent Arnould, Sylvain Ladoire, Bertrand Routy, Philippe Joubert, Franois Ghiringhelli

Issue&Volume: 2022-01-19

Abstract: Chemotherapy with anti PD-1/PD-L1 antibodies has become the standard of care for patientswith metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (mNSCLC). Using lung tumor models, wherepemetrexed and cisplatin (PEM/CDDP) chemotherapy remains unable to synergize withimmune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs), we linked the failure of this treatment withits inability to induce CXCL10 expression and CD8+ T cell recruitment. Using drug screening, we showed that combining a MEK inhibitor(MEKi) with PEM/CDDP triggers CXCL10 secretion by cancer cells and CD8+ T cell recruitment, sensitizing it to ICIs. PEM/CDDP plus a MEKi promotes optineurin (OPTN)-dependentmitophagy, resulting in CXCL10 production in a mitochondrial DNA- and TLR9-dependentmanner. TLR9 or autophagy/mitophagy inhibition abolishes the anti-tumor efficacy ofPEM/CDDP plus MEKi/anti-PD-L1 therapy. In human NSCLCs, high OPTN, TLR9, and CXCL10 expression is associated with a better response to ICIs. Our results underline therole of TLR9- and OPTN-dependent mitophagy in enhancing chemoimmunotherapy efficacy.

DOI: 10.1016/j.ccell.2021.12.009

Source: https://www.cell.com/cancer-cell/fulltext/S1535-6108(21)00662-0


Cancer Cell:《癌细胞》,创刊于2002年。隶属于细胞出版社,最新IF:23.916