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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2022/1/14 14:24:35

美国特拉华大学Feng Jiao团队报道了环境条件下过渡金属上气态氮氧化物的电化学还原。相关研究成果发表在2022年1月11日出版的国际知名学术期刊《美国化学会杂志》。


该文中,研究人员展示了一种在环境条件下以高反应速率(400 mA cm–2)进行的减少气态NOx的电化学途径。对各种过渡金属进行了电化学还原NO和N2O的评估,以揭示电催化剂在决定产物选择性方面的作用。




Title: Electrochemical Reduction of Gaseous Nitrogen Oxides on Transition Metals at Ambient Conditions

Author: Byung Hee Ko, Bjorn Hasa, Haeun Shin, Yaran Zhao, Feng Jiao

Issue&Volume: January 11, 2022

Abstract: Mitigating nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions is critical to tackle global warming and improve air quality. Conventional NOx abatement technologies for emission control suffer from a low efficiency at near ambient temperatures. Herein, we show an electrochemical pathway to reduce gaseous NOx that can be conducted at high reaction rates (400 mA cm–2) under ambient conditions. Various transition metals are evaluated for electrochemical reduction of NO and N2O to reveal the role of electrocatalyst in determining the product selectivity. Specifically, Cu is highly selective toward NH3 formation with >80% Faradaic efficiency in NO electroreduction. Furthermore, the partial pressure study of NO electroreduction revealed that a high NO coverage facilitates the N–N coupling reaction. In acidic electrolytes, the formation of NH3 is greatly favored, whereas the N2 production is suppressed. Additional mechanistic studies were conducted by using flow electrochemical mass spectrometry to gain further insights into reaction pathways. This work provides a promising avenue toward abating gaseous NOx emissions at ambient conditions by using renewable electricity.

DOI: 10.1021/jacs.1c10535

Source: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/jacs.1c10535


