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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2021/9/9 15:05:55

以色列魏茨曼科学研究所Klajn Rafal团队利用带相反电荷的小分子将纳米粒子静电共组装成静态和动态超结构。相关研究成果发表在2021年9月6日出版的《自然—化学》。





Title: Electrostatic co-assembly of nanoparticles with oppositely charged small molecules into static and dynamic superstructures

Author: Bian, Tong, Gardin, Andrea, Gemen, Julius, Houben, Lothar, Perego, Claudio, Lee, Byeongdu, Elad, Nadav, Chu, Zonglin, Pavan, Giovanni M., Klajn, Rafal

Issue&Volume: 2021-09-06

Abstract: Coulombic interactions can be used to assemble charged nanoparticles into higher-order structures, but the process requires oppositely charged partners that are similarly sized. The ability to mediate the assembly of such charged nanoparticles using structurally simple small molecules would greatly facilitate the fabrication of nanostructured materials and harnessing their applications in catalysis, sensing and photonics. Here we show that small molecules with as few as three electric charges can effectively induce attractive interactions between oppositely charged nanoparticles in water. These interactions can guide the assembly of charged nanoparticles into colloidal crystals of a quality previously only thought to result from their co-crystallization with oppositely charged nanoparticles of a similar size. Transient nanoparticle assemblies can be generated using positively charged nanoparticles and multiply charged anions that are enzymatically hydrolysed into mono- and/or dianions. Our findings demonstrate an approach for the facile fabrication, manipulation and further investigation of static and dynamic nanostructured materials in aqueous environments.

DOI: 10.1038/s41557-021-00752-9

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41557-021-00752-9


Nature Chemistry:《自然—化学》,创刊于2009年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:21.687