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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2021/9/25 22:10:14

美国哈佛医学院Maofu Liao研究组揭示第一代MsbA抑制剂的独特变构机制。这一研究成果于2021年10月29日在线发表在国际学术期刊《科学》上。

研究人员表示,ABC(ATP-binding cassette)转运体将ATP水解与底物运输结合在一起,从而跨越生物膜。尽管许多转运体是有前途的药物靶标,但它们被小分子抑制剂调控的机制在很大程度上仍是未知的。有趣的是,MsbA转运体的两个第一代抑制剂TBT1和G247对ATP水解产生了相反的影响。



Title: Distinct allosteric mechanisms of first-generation MsbA inhibitors

Author: Franois A. Thélot, Wenyi Zhang, KangKang Song, Chen Xu, Jing Huang, Maofu Liao

Issue&Volume: 2021-10-29

Abstract: ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters couple ATP hydrolysis to substrate transport across biological membranes. Although many are promising drug targets, their mechanisms of modulation by small molecule inhibitors remain largely unknown. Intriguingly, two first-generation inhibitors of the MsbA transporter, TBT1 and G247, induce opposite effects on ATP hydrolysis. Using single-particle cryo-electron microscopy and functional assays, we show that TBT1 and G247 bind adjacent yet separate pockets in the MsbA transmembrane domains. Two TBT1 molecules asymmetrically occupy the substrate binding site, leading to a collapsed inward-facing conformation with decreased distance between the nucleotide-binding domains (NBDs). In contrast, two G247 molecules symmetrically increases NBD distance in a wide inward-open state of MsbA. The divergent mechanisms of action of these MsbA inhibitors provide important insights into ABC transporter pharmacology.

DOI: abi9009

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abi9009

