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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2021/4/30 22:03:28

美国哥伦比亚大学Robert F. Schwabe研究小组发现,不同的癌症相关成纤维细胞亚群促进胆管癌的生长。2021年4月29日,国际知名学术期刊《癌细胞》在线发表了这一成果。






Title: Promotion of cholangiocarcinoma growth by diverse cancer-associated fibroblast subpopulations

Author: Silvia Affo, Ajay Nair, Francesco Brundu, Aashreya Ravichandra, Sonakshi Bhattacharjee, Michitaka Matsuda, LiKang Chin, Aveline Filliol, Wen Wen, Xinhua Song, Aubrianna Decker, Jeremy Worley, Jorge Matias Caviglia, Lexing Yu, Deqi Yin, Yoshinobu Saito, Thomas Savage, Rebecca G. Wells, Matthias Mack, Lars Zender, Nicholas Arpaia, Helen E. Remotti, Raul Rabadan, Peter Sims, Anne-Laure Leblond, Achim Weber, Marc-Oliver Riener, Brent R. Stockwell, Jellert Gaublomme, Josep M. Llovet, George K. Michalopoulos, Ekihiro Seki, Daniela Sia, Xin Chen, Andrea Califano, Robert F. Schwabe

Issue&Volume: 2021-04-29

Abstract: Cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAF) are a poorly characterized cell population inthe context of liver cancer. Our study investigates CAF functions in intrahepaticcholangiocarcinoma (ICC), a highly desmoplastic liver tumor. Genetic tracing, single-cellRNA sequencing, and ligand-receptor analyses uncovered hepatic stellate cells (HSC)as the main source of CAF and HSC-derived CAF as the dominant population interactingwith tumor cells. In mice, CAF promotes ICC progression, as revealed by HSC-selectiveCAF depletion. In patients, a high panCAF signature is associated with decreased survivaland increased recurrence. Single-cell RNA sequencing segregates CAF into inflammatoryand growth factor-enriched (iCAF) and myofibroblastic (myCAF) subpopulations, displayingdistinct ligand-receptor interactions. myCAF-expressed hyaluronan synthase 2, butnot type I collagen, promotes ICC. iCAF-expressed hepatocyte growth factor enhancesICC growth via tumor-expressed MET, thus directly linking CAF to tumor cells. In summary,our data demonstrate promotion of desmoplastic ICC growth by therapeutically targetableCAF subtype-specific mediators, but not by type I collagen.

DOI: 10.1016/j.ccell.2021.03.012

Source: https://www.cell.com/cancer-cell/fulltext/S1535-6108(21)00170-7


Cancer Cell:《癌细胞》,创刊于2002年。隶属于细胞出版社,最新IF:23.916