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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2021/12/5 13:14:00

美国加州旧金山格莱斯顿研究所Todd C. McDevitt团队的最新研究发现在人类ipsc来源的类器官中,心脏和肠道组织共现促进了心肌细胞的成熟。相关论文于2021年12月2日发表在《细胞-干细胞》杂志上。

研究人员研发了一种人多系iPSC 衍生类器官,它重塑了心脏和肠道的协同发育和成熟,在两种组织中都具有广泛的细胞和结构复杂性。研究证明,类器官中内胚层组织(肠/肠)的存在有助于心脏管形成后阶段特征性心脏组织特征的发育,包括心肌细胞扩张、区室化、心房/结细胞富集、心肌压实和胎儿样功能成熟。




Title: Co-emergence of cardiac and gut tissues promotes cardiomyocyte maturation within human iPSC-derived organoids

Author: Ana C. Silva, Oriane B. Matthys, David A. Joy, Mara A. Kauss, Vaishaali Natarajan, Michael H. Lai, Diwaker Turaga, Andrew P. Blair, Michael Alexanian, Benoit G. Bruneau, Todd C. McDevitt

Issue&Volume: 2021/12/02

Abstract: During embryogenesis, paracrine signaling between tissues in close proximity contributesto the determination of their respective cell fate(s) and development into functionalorgans. Organoids are in vitro models that mimic organ formation and cellular heterogeneity, but lack the paracrineinput of surrounding tissues. Here, we describe a human multilineage iPSC-derivedorganoid that recapitulates cooperative cardiac and gut development and maturation,with extensive cellular and structural complexity in both tissues. We demonstratethat the presence of endoderm tissue (gut/intestine) in the organoids contributedto the development of cardiac tissue features characteristic of stages after hearttube formation, including cardiomyocyte expansion, compartmentalization, enrichmentof atrial/nodal cells, myocardial compaction, and fetal-like functional maturation.Overall, this study demonstrates the ability to generate and mature cooperative tissuesoriginating from different germ lineages within a single organoid model, an advancethat will further the examination of multi-tissue interactions during development,physiological maturation, and disease.

DOI: 10.1016/j.stem.2021.11.007

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell-stem-cell/fulltext/S1934-5909(21)00455-0


Cell Stem Cell:《细胞—干细胞》,创刊于2007年。隶属于细胞出版社,最新IF:21.464