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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2021/12/26 14:39:13

美国匹兹堡大学Mark J. Shlomchik小组揭示小鼠和人体组织中初始和记忆B细胞的表面表型。相关论文于2021年12月22日在线发表在《自然—免疫学》杂志上。




Title: Surface phenotypes of naive and memory B cells in mouse and human tissues

Author: Weisel, Nadine M., Joachim, Stephen M., Smita, Shuchi, Callahan, Derrick, Elsner, Rebecca A., Conter, Laura J., Chikina, Maria, Farber, Donna L., Weisel, Florian J., Shlomchik, Mark J.

Issue&Volume: 2021-12-22

Abstract: Memory B cells (MBCs) protect the body from recurring infections. MBCs differ from their naive counterparts (NBCs) in many ways, but functional and surface marker differences are poorly characterized. In addition, although mice are the prevalent model for human immunology, information is limited concerning the nature of homology in B cell compartments. To address this, we undertook an unbiased, large-scale screening of both human and mouse MBCs for their differential expression of surface markers. By correlating the expression of such markers with extensive panels of known markers in high-dimensional flow cytometry, we comprehensively identified numerous surface proteins that are differentially expressed between MBCs and NBCs. The combination of these markers allows for the identification of MBCs in humans and mice and provides insight into their functional differences. These results will greatly enhance understanding of humoral immunity and can be used to improve immune monitoring.

DOI: 10.1038/s41590-021-01078-x

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41590-021-01078-x


Nature Immunology:《自然—免疫学》,创刊于2000年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:23.53