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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2021/11/20 21:53:23


高效的传染病筛查需要快速、廉价和大规模的检测。抗原池检测可提高检测率,缩短筛查时间,是一种有价值的防疫方法。然而,与聚合酶链反应(PCR)的整体符合率(OPA)为1/2到3/4,阻碍了其成为超越金标准聚合酶链反应(polymerase chain reaction, PCR)的综合方法,尤其是池内检测。

该文中,研究人员开发了一种多抗体晶体管检测法,用于敏感和高度精确的抗原池检测。该多抗体捕获具有不同构型的SARS-CoV-2 spike S1蛋白,导致抗原结合亲和力降低至0.34 fM。人工唾液中的检测限达到3.5×10–17 g mL–1SAR-CoV-2 spike S1蛋白,比现有晶体管传感器低4–5个数量级。用PCR检测60例鼻咽拭子,平均诊断时间38.9s,OPA~100%。由于其高精度的特点,制造了一个便携式集成平台,实现了10合1的混合筛选,以实现高测试吞吐量。该工作解决了长期存在的抗原库检测问题,使之成为未来精确诊断和全人群筛查COVID-19或其他流行病的宝贵工具。


Title: Ultraprecise Antigen 10-in-1 Pool Testing by Multiantibodies Transistor Assay

Author: Changhao Dai, Mingquan Guo, Yanling Wu, Ban-Peng Cao, Xuejun Wang, Yungen Wu, Hua Kang, Derong Kong, Zhaoqin Zhu, Tianlei Ying, Yunqi Liu, Dacheng Wei

Issue&Volume: November 18, 2021

Abstract: Effective screening of infectious diseases requires a fast, cheap, and population-scale testing. Antigen pool testing can increase the test rate and shorten the screening time, thus being a valuable approach for epidemic prevention and control. However, the overall percent agreement (OPA) with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is one-half to three-quarters, hampering it from being a comprehensive method, especially pool testing, beyond the gold-standard PCR. Here, a multiantibodies transistor assay is developed for sensitive and highly precise antigen pool testing. The multiantibodies capture SARS-CoV-2 spike S1 proteins with different configurations, resulting in an antigen-binding affinity down to 0.34 fM. The limit of detection reaches 3.5 × 10–17 g mL–1SARS-CoV-2 spike S1 protein in artificial saliva, 4–5 orders of magnitude lower than existing transistor sensors. The testing of 60 nasopharyngeal swabs exhibits ~100% OPA with PCR within an average diagnoses time of 38.9 s. Owing to its highly precise feature, a portable integrated platform is fabricated, which achieves 10-in-1 pooled screening for high testing throughput. This work solves the long-standing problem of antigen pool testing, enabling it to be a valuable tool in precise diagnoses and population-wide screening of COVID-19 or other epidemics in the future.

DOI: 10.1021/jacs.1c08598

Source: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/jacs.1c08598


