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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2021/11/17 14:15:51

美国马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校Mingxu You团队报道了DNA拉链探针成像活细胞中的膜顺序和动态相互作用。相关研究成果发表在2021年11月12日出版的《德国应用化学》。




Title: Imaging Membrane Order and Dynamic Interactions in Living Cells with a DNA Zipper Probe

Author: Yousef Bagheri, Ahsan Ausaf Ali, Puspam Keshri, James Chambers, Anne Gershenson, Mingxu You

Issue&Volume: 2021-11-12

Abstract: The cell membrane is a dynamic and heterogeneous structure composed of distinct sub-compartments.  Within these compartments, preferential interactions occur among various lipids and proteins.  Currently, it is still challenging to image these short-lived membrane complexes, especially in living cells.  In this work, we present a DNA-based probe, termed “DNA Zipper”, which allows the membrane order and pattern of transient interactions to be imaged in living cells using standard fluorescence microscopes.  By fine-tuning the length and binding affinity of DNA duplex, these probes can precisely extend the duration of membrane lipid interactions via dynamic DNA hybridization.  The correlation between membrane order and the activation of T-cell receptor signalling has also been studied.  These programmable DNA probes function after a brief cell incubation, which can be easily adapted to study lipid interactions and membrane order during different membrane signalling events.

DOI: 10.1002/anie.202112033

Source: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/anie.202112033


Angewandte Chemie:《德国应用化学》,创刊于1887年。隶属于德国化学会,最新IF:12.959