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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2021/11/12 17:00:09

美国纪念斯隆-凯特琳癌症中心Michael F. Berger团队揭示种系致病性在肿瘤发生中的特定背景作用。2021年11月5日出版的《自然—遗传学》发表了这项成果。





Title: The context-specific role of germline pathogenicity in tumorigenesis

Author: Srinivasan, Preethi, Bandlamudi, Chaitanya, Jonsson, Philip, Kemel, Yelena, Chavan, Shweta S., Richards, Allison L., Penson, Alexander V., Bielski, Craig M., Fong, Christopher, Syed, Aijazuddin, Jayakumaran, Gowtham, Prasad, Meera, Hwee, Jason, Sumer, Selcuk Onur, de Bruijn, Ino, Li, Xiang, Gao, JianJiong, Schultz, Nikolaus, Cambria, Roy, Galle, Jesse, Mukherjee, Semanti, Vijai, Joseph, Cadoo, Karen A., Carlo, Maria I., Walsh, Michael F., Mandelker, Diana, Ceyhan-Birsoy, Ozge, Shia, Jinru, Zehir, Ahmet, Ladanyi, Marc, Hyman, David M., Zhang, Liying, Offit, Kenneth, Robson, Mark E., Solit, David B., Stadler, Zsofia K., Berger, Michael F., Taylor, Barry S.

Issue&Volume: 2021-11-05

Abstract: Human cancers arise from environmental, heritable and somatic factors, but how these mechanisms interact in tumorigenesis is poorly understood. Studying 17,152 prospectively sequenced patients with cancer, we identified pathogenic germline variants in cancer predisposition genes, and assessed their zygosity and co-occurring somatic alterations in the concomitant tumors. Two major routes to tumorigenesis were apparent. In carriers of pathogenic germline variants in high-penetrance genes (5.1% overall), lineage-dependent patterns of biallelic inactivation led to tumors exhibiting mechanism-specific somatic phenotypes and fewer additional somatic oncogenic drivers. Nevertheless, 27% of cancers in these patients, and most tumors in patients with pathogenic germline variants in lower-penetrance genes, lacked particular hallmarks of tumorigenesis associated with the germline allele. The dependence of tumors on pathogenic germline variants is variable and often dictated by both penetrance and lineage, a finding with implications for clinical management. A study of 17,152 patients with cancer identified pathogenic germline variants in cancer predisposition genes. Although tumors showed biallelic inactivation for high-penetrance genes, this was not the case in most patients with pathogenic variants in low-penetrance genes, suggesting alternative routes to tumorigenesis.

DOI: 10.1038/s41588-021-00949-1

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41588-021-00949-1


Nature Genetics:《自然—遗传学》,创刊于1992年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:25.455