作者:Feng Chen, Delai Huang et.al 来源: Cell Regeneration 发布时间:2020/7/29 10:52:18
肝脏部分切除后细胞周期再进入同步化的新机制 | Cell Regeneration

论文标题:Capn3 depletion causes Chk1 and Wee1 accumulation and disrupts synchronization of cell cycle reentry during liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy

期刊: Cell Regeneration

作者:Feng Chen, Delai Huang et.al






2020年6月,来自浙江大学的彭金荣团队在Cell Regeneration上发表了题为“Capn3 depletion causes Chk1 and Wee1 accumulation and disrupts synchronization of cell cycle reentry during liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy”的论文,报道了一个新的蛋白对细胞周期重新进入同步化的调控作用。


该研究主要关注半胱氨酸钙蛋白酶3(Capn3,在斑马鱼中该基因被命名为Capn3b),并制备了敲除Capn3b的斑马鱼模型。虽然敲除Capn3b的斑马鱼可以稳定生存和繁殖,但在一些应激状态比如不同密度、不同温度的饲养条件下,敲除Capn3b的胚胎发育是受影响的,表现为身体呈弧形、生长迟缓、肝体比(用于评估肝脏再生的指标)比例失调 (Figure 2)。


当将Capn3b敲除斑马鱼肝脏腹侧叶摘除后,一开始其肝脏再生速度远远低于野生型,无论是切除区域和深层区域的细胞增殖能力均远远弱于野生型;而当野生型肝脏再生基本完成时,同时期的Capn3b敲除肝脏切除区域的细胞才开始启动再生机制,而深层区域的细胞DNA复制水平仍然很低。这说明在Capn3b敲除的肝脏细胞中,细胞周期再进入不仅延迟,而且并未同步化(Figure 3C-F,Figure 4)。


接下来,作者提取了野生型未处理、野生型肝脏腹侧叶摘除、Capn3b敲除型未处理、Capn3b敲除型肝脏腹侧叶摘除这四组肝脏细胞的核蛋白,并进行了质谱分析,找到了许多与核仁RNA功能相关的差异蛋白。除此之外,作者鉴定出G2-M检查点蛋白激素Wee1和上游调节因子Chk1均存在与Capn3b存在相互作用的区域,且这些相互作用区域从斑马鱼到人是高度保守的。初步推断Wee1和Chk1与Capn3b在核仁中能够形成复合体。随后进一步发现,当肝叶被摘除后,Wee1和Chk1在Capn3b敲除型肝脏组织中大量堆积。这可能是Capn3b敲除引起肝再生延迟的原因之一(Figure 8E-F,Figure 9)。


综上,该研究揭示了核定位的defi - capn3复合物能够通过裂解两种明确的细胞周期负性调节因子Chk1和Wee1在肝切除后的肝脏再生过程中发挥作用,进一步阐明了肝脏再生的分子机理。



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摘要:Recovery of liver mass to a healthy liver donor by compensatory regeneration after partial hepatectomy (PH) is a prerequisite for liver transplantation. Synchronized cell cycle reentry of the existing hepatocytes after PH is seemingly a hallmark of liver compensatory regeneration. Although the molecular control of the PH-triggered cell cycle reentry has been extensively studied, little is known about how the synchronization is achieved after PH. The nucleolus-localized protein cleavage complex formed by the nucleolar protein Digestive-organ expansion factor (Def) and cysteine proteinase Calpain 3 (Capn3) has been implicated to control wounding healing during liver regeneration through selectively cleaving the tumor suppressor p53 in the nucleolus. However, whether the Def-Capn3 complex participates in regulating the synchronization of cell cycle reentry after PH is unknown. In this report, we generated a zebrafish capn3b null mutant (capn3b?19?14). The homozygous mutant was viable and fertile, but suffered from a delayed liver regeneration after PH. Delayed liver regeneration in capn3b?19?14was due to disruption of synchronized cell proliferation after PH. Mass spectrometry (MS) analysis of nuclear proteins revealed that a number of negative regulators of cell cycle are accumulated in the capn3b?19?14 liver after PH. Moreover, we demonstrated that Check-point kinase 1 (Chk1) and Wee1, two key negative regulators of G2 to M transition, are substrates of Capn3. We also demonstrated that Chk1 and Wee1 were abnormally accumulated in the nucleoli of amputated capn3b?19?14 liver.In conclusion, our findings suggest that the nucleolar-localized Def-Capn3 complex acts as a novel regulatory pathway for the synchronization of cell cycle reentry, at least partially, through inactivating Chk1 and Wee1 during liver regeneration after PH.


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