来源:Scientific Reports 发布时间:2020/5/7 16:02:44
蛙类化石带来对古代南极的新认识 |《科学报告》论文

论文标题:First fossil frog from Antarctica: implications for Eocene high latitude climate conditions and Gondwanan cosmopolitanism of Australobatrachia

期刊:Scientific Reports

作者:Thomas Mörs, Marcelo Reguero et al.




南极洲已知最早现代两栖动物的发现提供了进一步证据,证明了南极半岛在与南部超大陆(冈瓦纳大陆)分离之前拥有暖温带气候。发现的化石属于“头盔蛙”(helmeted frog)科,《科学报告》本周发表的一篇论文First fossil frog from Antarctica: implications for Eocene high latitude climate conditions and Gondwanan cosmopolitanism of Australobatrachia 对此进行了描述。

始新世南极半岛头盔蛙的艺术复原图 作者:瑞典自然历史博物馆Pollyanna von Knorring

瑞典自然历史博物馆的Thomas Mörs和同事在2011年至2013年期间前往南极半岛西摩岛探险,期间发现了一个髋骨和有纹饰颅骨的化石残骸。这些化石样本大概有4000万年的历史,来自始新世,全都属于智利蟾科(Calyptocephalellidae),也被称为“头盔蛙”。此前尚未在南极洲发现过属于现存科的冷血两栖动物或爬行动物的痕迹。

西摩岛发现蛙化石地点的古生物学家们 版权归属:Federico Degrange




Cenozoic ectothermic continental tetrapods (amphibians and reptiles) have not been documented previously from Antarctica, in contrast to all other continents. Here we report a fossil ilium and an ornamented skull bone that can be attributed to the Recent, South American, anuran family Calyptocephalellidae or helmeted frogs, representing the first modern amphibian found in Antarctica. The two bone fragments were recovered in Eocene, approximately 40 million years old, sediments on Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula. The record of hyperossified calyptocephalellid frogs outside South America supports Gondwanan cosmopolitanism of the anuran clade Australobatrachia. Our results demonstrate that Eocene freshwater ecosystems in Antarctica provided habitats favourable for ectothermic vertebrates (with mean annual precipitation ≥900 mm, coldest month mean temperature ≥3.75 °C, and warmest month mean temperature ≥13.79 °C), at a time when there were at least ephemeral ice sheets existing on the highlands within the interior of the continent.


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