来源:Scientific report 发布时间:2020/5/27 10:32:45
棘刺龙虾的噪声或能传到3千米之外 |《科学报告》论文

论文标题:Spiny lobster sounds can be detectable over kilometres underwater

期刊:Scientific report

作者:Youenn Jézéquel, Laurent Chauvaud & Julien Bonnel




《科学报告》发表的一项研究Spiny lobster sounds can be detectable over kilometres underwater发现,欧洲棘刺龙虾发出的噪声(触角刮擦声)最远能在水下3千米之外探测到。这种声音源自龙虾用触角延伸部分摩擦眼部下方的“锉刀”,或有助于它们的通讯和捕食者防御。研究指出,对这种声音的探测或能助力保育行动。

两只棘刺龙虾的防御性行为,版权归属:Erwan AMICE© cnrs.jpg

法国普卢扎内欧洲海洋研究所(IUEM)的Youenn Jézéquel和同事记录了法国Saint Anne du Portzic海湾的24只棘刺龙虾发出的1560次触角刮擦声。这些声音通过放置在离龙虾0.5米至100米远的八个水下麦克风收录。作者发现,只有大型个体的声音可以在100米的距离收录到,而中型、小型和超小型个体分别在50米、20米、10米以上的距离就收录不到了。根据以上测量结果、预期声强损失,以及实验期间的背景噪声水平,作者估计大型龙虾的触角刮擦声或能在400米远的地方探测到。作者推断,在低背景噪声条件下,最大个体(13.5厘米长)的触角刮擦声有望在3千米之外被探测到。



The detection ranges of broadband sounds produced by marine invertebrates are not known. To address this deficiency, a linear array of hydrophones was built in a shallow water area to experimentally investigate the propagation features of the sounds from various sizes of European spiny lobsters (Palinurus elephas), recorded between 0.5 and 100 m from the animals. The peak-to-peak source levels (SL, measured at one meter from the animals) varied significantly with body size, the largest spiny lobsters producing SL up to 167 dB re 1 µPa2. The sound propagation and its attenuation with the distance were quantified using the array. This permitted estimation of the detection ranges of spiny lobster sounds. Under the high ambient noise conditions recorded in this study, the sounds propagated between 5 and 410 m for the smallest and largest spiny lobsters, respectively. Considering lower ambient noise levels and different realistic propagation conditions, spiny lobster sounds can be detectable up to several kilometres away from the animals, with sounds from the largest individuals propagating over 3 km. Our results demonstrate that sounds produced by P. elephas can be utilized in passive acoustic programs to monitor and survey this vulnerable species at kilometre scale in coastal waters.


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