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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2020/5/10 21:40:18

比利时鲁汶大学Jeroen Raes、法国索邦大学Karine Clément等研究人员合作发现,他汀类药物或可用于治疗肠道菌群失调。相关论文于2020年5月6日在线发表于国际学术期刊《自然》。


Title: Statin therapy is associated with lower prevalence of gut microbiota dysbiosis

Author: Sara Vieira-Silva, Gwen Falony, Eugeni Belda, Trine Nielsen, Judith Aron-Wisnewsky, Rima Chakaroun, Sofia K. Forslund, Karen Assmann, Mireia Valles-Colomer, Thi Thuy Duyen Nguyen, Sebastian Proost, Edi Prifti, Valentina Tremaroli, Nicolas Pons, Emmanuelle Le Chatelier, Fabrizio Andreelli, Jean-Phillippe Bastard, Luis Pedro Coelho, Nathalie Galleron, Tue H. Hansen, Jean-Sbastien Hulot, Christian Lewinter, Helle K. Pedersen, Benoit Quinquis, Christine Rouault, Hugo Roume, Joe-Elie Salem, Nadja B. Sndertoft, Sothea Touch, Marc-Emmanuel Dumas, Stanislav Dusko Ehrlich, Pilar Galan, Jens P. Gtze, Torben Hansen, Jens J. Holst, Lars Kber, Ivica Letunic, Jens Nielsen, Jean-Michel Oppert, Michael Stumvoll, Henrik Vestergaard, Jean-Daniel Zucker, Peer Bork, Oluf Pedersen, Fredrik Bckhed, Karine Clment, Jeroen Raes

Issue&Volume: 2020-05-06

Abstract: Microbiome community typing analyses have recently identified the Bacteroides2 (Bact2) enterotype, an intestinal microbiota configuration that is associated with systemic inflammation and has a high prevalence in loose stools in humans1,2. Bact2 is characterized by a high proportion of Bacteroides, a low proportion of Faecalibacterium and low microbial cell densities1,2, and its prevalence varies from 13% in a general population cohort to as high as 78% in patients with inflammatory bowel disease2. Reported changes in stool consistency3 and inflammation status4 during the progression towards obesity and metabolic comorbidities led us to propose that these developments might similarly correlate with an increased prevalence of the potentially dysbiotic Bact2 enterotype. Here, by exploring obesity-associated microbiota alterations in the quantitative faecal metagenomes of the cross-sectional MetaCardis Body Mass Index Spectrum cohort (n = 888), we identify statin therapy as a key covariate of microbiome diversification. By focusing on a subcohort of participants that are not medicated with statins, we find that the prevalence of Bact2 correlates with body mass index, increasing from 3.90% in lean or overweight participants to 17.73% in obese participants. Systemic inflammation levels in Bact2-enterotyped individuals are higher than predicted on the basis of their obesity status, indicative of Bact2 as a dysbiotic microbiome constellation. We also observe that obesity-associated microbiota dysbiosis is negatively associated with statin treatment, resulting in a lower Bact2 prevalence of 5.88% in statin-medicated obese participants. This finding is validated in both the accompanying MetaCardis cardiovascular disease dataset (n = 282) and the independent  Gut Flora Project population cohort (n = 2,345). The potential benefits of statins in this context will require further evaluation in a prospective clinical trial to ascertain whether the effect is reproducible in a randomized population and before considering their application as microbiota-modulating therapeutics.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2269-x

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2269-x

