来源:Nature Communications 发布时间:2020/4/1 15:09:28
母体肠道菌群与婴儿食物过敏风险下降相关 |《自然-通讯》

论文标题:Maternal carriage of Prevotella during pregnancy associates with protection against food allergy in the offspring

期刊:Nature Communications

作者:Peter J. Vuillermin, Martin O’Hely et.al




根据《自然-通讯》发表的一项研究Maternal carriage of Prevotella during pregnancy associates with protection against food allergy in the offspring,孕妇肠道菌群中存在人体普氏菌(Prevotella copri),与婴儿出生后第一年发生食物过敏的风险下降相关。



图片来源:Vuillermin, P.J., O’Hely, M., Collier, F. 等

澳大利亚迪肯大学的Peter Vuillermin及同事分析了澳大利亚一个包含1064名孕妇的队列,并且每三个月对其产儿进行检查,直至孩子达到1岁。他们发现携带有人体普氏菌的孕妇的孩子,发生食物过敏的可能性较低,而且这种保护性关联在摄入高脂高纤维饮食的孕妇中最明显。家庭规模较大和妊娠晚期缺少对抗生素的暴露,也和母体携带的人体普氏菌增多相关。


摘要:In mice, the maternal microbiome influences fetal immune development and postnatal allergic outcomes. Westernized populations have high rates of allergic disease and low rates of gastrointestinal carriage of Prevotella, a commensal bacterial genus that produces short chain fatty acids and endotoxins, each of which may promote the development of fetal immune tolerance. In this study, we use a prebirth cohort (n = 1064 mothers) to conduct a nested case-cohort study comparing 58 mothers of babies with clinically proven food IgE mediated food allergy with 258 randomly selected mothers. Analysis of the V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene in fecal samples shows maternal carriage of Prevotella copri during pregnancy strongly predicts the absence of food allergy in the offspring. This association was confirmed using targeted qPCR and was independent of infant carriage of P. copri. Larger household size, which is a well-established protective factor for allergic disease, strongly predicts maternal carriage of P. copri.


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