来源:Food Production, Processing and Nutrition 发布时间:2020/3/4 9:54:25
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论文标题:Effect of irrigation water containing arsenic on elemental composition of bean and lettuce plants cultivated in calcareous sandy soil

期刊:Food Production, Processing and Nutrition

作者:Sirat Sandil, Péter Dobosy et al.





Food Production, Processing and Nutrition 近期在线发表了匈牙利罗兰大学Gyula Záray教授课题组题为Effect of irrigation water containing arsenic on elemental composition of bean and lettuce plants cultivated in calcareous sandy soil的研究论文,讨论了含砷地下水对食用蔬菜的影响。

菜豆 与 生菜



本文的作者将菜豆和生菜种植在以钙质砂土为基质的可控温室盆栽里,使用浓度为0.1、0.25、0.5 mg/L的砷酸钠灌溉。作者研究了两种蔬菜的产量、不同部位砷含量和蔬菜中常量元素、微量元素的含量变化。结果表明,菜豆不同部位的砷含量从大到小依次为:根>茎>叶>豆,生菜不同部位的砷含量依次为根>叶。不同浓度的砷处理后,两种蔬菜都没表现出可见的中毒症状,常量元素和微量元素含量没有显著变化。砷从根转运到果实的转移因子在菜豆中为0.003-0.005,在生菜中为0.14-0.24。根据FAO-WHO推荐的每人每日容许摄入最大量2.1μg/ kg(体重),灌溉菜豆和生菜的水砷含量不应高于0.1mg/L。



The uptake of arsenic by vegetables from soil irrigated with arsenic enriched groundwater poses a major health hazard. The edible portion of these vegetables transfer arsenic to the human beings. The uptake of arsenic was studied in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) in a controlled greenhouse pot culture with calcareous sandy soil as substrate. The plants were irrigated with water containing sodium arsenate at concentrations 0.1, 0.25 and 0.5 mg L− 1. The total arsenic concentration of the different plants parts was determined by ICP-MS, following microwave-assisted acid digestion. The change in plant biomass production and essential macroelements (Mg, P, K) and microelements concentration (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn) was also studied.


The As concentration in the bean was in the order: root>stem>leaf>bean fruit and in lettuce: root>leaves. At the highest dose (0.5 mg L− 1) the As concentration in the bean fruit and lettuce leaves was 22.1 μg kg− 1 and 1207.5 μg kg− 1 DW, respectively. Increasing As concentration in the irrigation water resulted in decreased edible biomass production in bean, while in lettuce the edible biomass production increased. Neither plant exhibited any visible toxicity symptoms. No significant change was observed in the macro and microelements concentration. The total and the water-soluble arsenic in soil amounted to 3.5 mg kg− 1 and 0.023 mg kg− 1, respectively. The transfer factor was found to increase with increase in the As treatment applied. The transfer factor range for bean from root to fruit was 0.003–0.005, and for lettuce from root to leaves was 0.14–0.24.


Considering the FAO-WHO recommended maximum tolerable daily intake (MTDI) limit of 2.1 μg kg− 1 body weight, and the biomass production, both plants should not be cultivated at As treatment level higher than 0.1 mg L− 1.


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