来源:Nature Communications 发布时间:2020/3/18 10:41:40
模拟大型生态系统的崩溃 |《自然-通讯》

论文标题:Regime shifts occur disproportionately faster in larger ecosystems

期刊:Nature Communications

作者:Gregory S. Cooper, Simon Willcock et al.




《自然-通讯》发表的一项建模研究Regime shifts occur disproportionately faster in larger ecosystems发现,亚马孙热带雨林和加勒比海珊瑚礁等大型脆弱生态系统的崩溃一旦触发,过程可能只需几十年的时间。

建模框架的图形表示。来源:Cooper, G.S., Willcock, S. & Dearing, J.A.


系统面积与系统转变时间之间的经验关系。来源:Cooper, G.S., Willcock, S. & Dearing, J.A.

英国南安普顿大学的John Dearing和同事分析了4个陆地、25个海洋、13个淡水生态系统转变报告中的数据,发现较大生态系统经历的系统转变比较小的生态系统更慢。但是,随着生态系统规模的扩大,崩溃所需要的额外时间会减少,导致它们的崩溃会相对变快。作者利用计算机模型支持的统计学关系进行了估计,发现亚马孙规模的生态系统(约550万平方公里)一旦触发,可能会在49年左右的时间里崩溃。而加勒比海珊瑚礁规模的系统(约2万平方公里)一旦开始,可能只要15年的时间就会崩溃。



Regime shifts can abruptly affect hydrological, climatic and terrestrial systems, leading to degraded ecosystems and impoverished societies. While the frequency of regime shifts is predicted to increase, the fundamental relationships between the spatial-temporal scales of shifts and their underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. Here we analyse empirical data from terrestrial (n = 4), marine (n = 25) and freshwater (n = 13) environments and show positive sub-linear empirical relationships between the size and shift duration of systems. Each additional unit area of an ecosystem provides an increasingly smaller unit of time taken for that system to collapse, meaning that large systems tend to shift more slowly than small systems but disproportionately faster. We substantiate these findings with five computational models that reveal the importance of system structure in controlling shift duration. The findings imply that shifts in Earth ecosystems occur over ‘human’ timescales of years and decades, meaning the collapse of large vulnerable ecosystems, such as the Amazon rainforest and Caribbean coral reefs, may take only a few decades once triggered.


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