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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2020/2/12 17:45:19

近日,德国科隆大学Florian Klein小组研发出一个具有广泛效力中和抗体,可实现对HIV-1的逃逸限制。这一研究成果于2020年2月6日刊发在国际学术期刊《细胞》上。

研究人员报道了1-18,这是一个新的VH1-46-编码的CD4结合位点(CD4bs)bNAb,具有出色的广度(97%)和效价(GeoMean IC50 = 0.048μg/ mL)。值得注意的是,1-18对典型的CD4bs逃脱突变不敏感,可以有效克服HIV-1对其他CD4bs bNAb的抵抗力。此外,突变抗原分析揭示了HIV-1逃逸的限制性途径。对于治疗用途最有希望的是,即使单独使用1-18也可以完全抑制HIV-1感染的人源化小鼠的病毒血症,而无需选择耐药的病毒变体。1-18-BG505SOSIP.664 Env复合物2.5Å分辨率的冷冻电镜结构表明,重链插入和启动子间接触增加可能促进了这些特性。1-18有效限制HIV-1逃逸途径的能力为成功预防和治疗HIV-1感染提供了新的选择。

Title: Restriction of HIV-1 Escape by a Highly Broad and Potent Neutralizing Antibody

Author: Philipp Schommers, Henning Gruell, Morgan E. Abernathy, My-Kim Tran, Adam S. Dingens, Harry B. Gristick, Christopher O. Barnes, Till Schoofs, Maike Schlotz, Kanika Vanshylla, Christoph Kreer, Daniela Weiland, Udo Holtick, Christof Scheid, Markus M. Valter, Marit J. van Gils, Rogier W. Sanders, Jrg J. Vehreschild, Oliver A. Cornely, Clara Lehmann, Gerd Ftkenheuer, Michael S. Seaman, Jesse D. Bloom, Pamela J. Bjorkman, Florian Klein

Issue&Volume: January 30, 2020

Abstract: Broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) represent a promising approach to prevent and treat HIV-1 infection. However, viral escape through mutation of the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein (Env) limits clinical applications. Here we describe 1-18, a new VH1-46-encoded CD4 binding site (CD4bs) bNAb with outstanding breadth (97%) and potency (GeoMean IC50 = 0.048 μg/mL). Notably, 1-18 is not susceptible to typical CD4bs escape mutations and effectively overcomes HIV-1 resistance to other CD4bs bNAbs. Moreover, mutational antigenic profiling uncovered restricted pathways of HIV-1 escape. Of most promise for therapeutic use, even 1-18 alone fully suppressed viremia in HIV-1-infected humanized mice without selecting for resistant viral variants. A 2.5- cryo-EM structure of a 1-18-BG505SOSIP.664 Env complex revealed that these characteristics are likely facilitated by a heavy-chain insertion and increased inter-protomer contacts. The ability of 1-18 to effectively restrict HIV-1 escape pathways provides a new option to successfully prevent and treat HIV-1 infection.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2020.01.010

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(20)30057-X
