来源:Scientific Reports 发布时间:2019/9/3 15:38:39
远古牙齿揭示中新世“鼠类”迁徙史 |《科学报告》

论文标题:First levantine fossil murines shed new light on the earliest intercontinental dispersal of mice

期刊:Scientific Reports

作者:Raquel López-Antoñanzas,Sabrina Renaud,Pablo Peláez-Campomanes,Dany Azar,George Kachacha,Fabien Knoll



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研究人员从黎巴嫩发现的化石中鉴定出了一个史前鼠科新种,鼠科动物是包括小鼠、大鼠和它们的近缘属种在内的一类哺乳动物。这一发现发表在本周的《科学报告》的First levantine fossil murines shed new light on the earliest intercontinental dispersal of mice上,代表了鼠科动物最早从亚洲向非洲扩散时途经黎凡特的首个已知物证

图1: Progonomys manolo新种的上颊牙的咬合视图 图源:López-Antoñanzas等


西班牙马德里国家自然科学博物馆的Raquel López-Antoñanzas和同事分析了黎巴嫩2013年和2018年发掘的牙齿化石。经鉴定,这些化石属于一个之前未发现的新种,研究人员将其命名为Progonomys manolo。从形态特征上看,P. manolo与Progonomys属最古老的种群(生活在约1050-1100万年前)较为相似,说明P. manolo是Progonomys属的一个原始种,而Progonomys属是最早从鼠类起源地南亚向外扩散的鼠科动物。

作者认为,考虑到黎巴嫩离非洲大陆并不远,P. manolo可能促进了Progonomys属较晚种群在非洲的定居。



摘要:Recent extensive field prospecting conducted in the Upper Miocene of Lebanon resulted in the discovery of several new fossiliferous localities. One of these, situated in the Zahleh area (Bekaa Valley, central Lebanon) has yielded a particularly diverse vertebrate fauna. Micromammals constitute an important part of this assemblage because not only do they represent the first Neogene rodents and insectivores from Lebanon, but they are also the only ones from the early Late Miocene of the Arabian Peninsula and circumambient areas. Analyses of the murines from Zahleh reveal that they belong to a small-sized early Progonomys, which cannot be assigned to any of the species of the genus hitherto described. They are, thereby, shown to represent a new species: Progonomys manolo. Morphometric analyses of the outline of the first upper molars of this species suggest a generalist and omnivorous diet. This record sheds new light onto a major phenomenon in the evolutionary history of rodents, which is the earliest dispersal of mice. It suggests that the arrival of murines in Africa got under way through the Levant rather than viasouthern Europe and was monitored by the ecological requirements of Progonomys.


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