近日,美国加州大学洛杉矶分校的Timothy E. O’Sullivan研究组发现,接触过小鼠巨细胞病毒的ILC1所获得的记忆响应依赖于病毒糖蛋白m12。相关论文于2019年8月发表在《自然—免疫学》杂志上。
Title: Mouse cytomegalovirus-experienced ILC1s acquire a memory response dependent on the viral glycoprotein m12
Author: Orr-El Weizman, Eric Song, Nicholas M. Adams, Andrew D. Hildreth, Luke Riggan, Chirag Krishna, Oscar A. Aguilar, Christina S. Leslie, James R. Carlyle, Joseph C. Sun, Timothy E. OSullivan
Issue&Volume: Volume 20,Issue 8
Abstract: Innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) are tissue-resident sentinels that are essential for early host protection from pathogens at initial sites of infection. However, whether pathogen-derived antigens directly modulate the responses of tissue-resident ILCs has remained unclear. In the present study, it was found that liver-resident type 1 ILCs (ILC1s) expanded locally and persisted after the resolution of infection with mouse cytomegalovirus (MCMV). ILC1s acquired stable transcriptional, epigenetic and phenotypic changes a month after the resolution of MCMV infection, and showed an enhanced protective effector response to secondary challenge with MCMV consistent with a memory lymphocyte response. Memory ILC1 responses were dependent on the MCMV-encoded glycoprotein m12, and were independent of bystander activation by proinflammatory cytokines after heterologous infection. Thus, liver ILC1s acquire adaptive features in an MCMV-specific manner.
DOI: 10.1038/s41590-019-0430-1
Nature Immunology:《自然—免疫学》,创刊于2000年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:23.53