来源:Scientific Reports 发布时间:2019/7/30 13:25:33
人类离开以后,小猴子在牧场里散布森林的种子 |《科学报告》论文

论文标题:Small Neotropical primates promote the natural regeneration of anthropogenically disturbed areas

期刊:Scientific Reports

作者:Eckhard W. Heymann,Laurence Culot,Christoph Knogge,Andrew C. Smith,Emérita R. Tirado Herrera,Britta Müller,Mojca Stojan-Dolar,Yvan Lledo Ferrer,Petra Kubisch,Denis Kupsch,Darja Slana,Mareike Lena Koopmann,Birgit Ziegenhagen,Ronald Bialozyt,Christina Mengel,Julien Hambuckers,Katrin Heer




Eckhard Heymann及同事观察了秘鲁亚马逊地区的两种柽柳猴属种群——长须柽柳猴(Saguinus mystax)和黑额柽柳猴(Leontocebus nigrifrons),该地区的森林在1990年造砍伐,直到2000年一直用作水牛放牧场。作者分析了这两个种群的长期的活动与摄食数据后发现,在人类弃用该地区后,附近森林里的柽柳猴逐渐增加了对这里的利用,它们总计利用l 31种植物物种的果实,2001年以一种果实为食,2005年、2006年、2007年和2008年分别为6种、12种、16种和19种。


图源:Julia Diegmann

图2 :一只成年黑额柽柳猴,这种小型柽柳猴经常被发现与体型更大的长须柽柳猴混居在一起。

图源:Andrea Schell

作者也对487颗植物种子的发育进行了为期一年的追踪调查,发现其中47颗(9.6%)是由柽柳猴从附近森林散布到被弃牧场的,而这当中有15颗(31.9%)至少存活了一年并发芽。相比之下,在440颗散布在森林里的种子中,有82颗(18.6%)至少存活了一年。这一差异可能是因为牧场的光照较强,竞争或捕食压力较低,或者二者兼而有之。研究地点有一种名为Parkia panurensis的植物,它是灵长类动物的主要食物来源,柽柳猴是该植物种子的唯一散布者。作者分析了37棵Parkia panurensis幼苗的基因,发现其中逾一半(19)的母树位于附近的森林里面,这证实了柽柳猴散布种子的有效性。



图源:Eckhard W. Heymann

摘要:Increasingly large proportions of tropical forests are anthropogenically disturbed. Where natural regeneration is possible at all, it requires the input of plant seeds through seed dispersal from the forest matrix. Zoochorous seed dispersal – the major seed dispersal mode for woody plants in tropical forests – is particularly important for natural regeneration. In this study, covering a period of more than 20 years, we show that small New World primates, the tamarins Saguinus mystax and Leontocebus nigrifrons, increase their use of an anthropogenically disturbed area over time and disperse seeds from primary forest tree species into this area. Through monitoring the fate of seeds and through parentage analyses of seedlings of the legume Parkia panurensis from the disturbed area and candidate parents from the primary forest matrix, we show that tamarin seed dispersal is effective and contributes to the natural regeneration of the disturbed area.


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