来源:Nature Communications 发布时间:2019/7/18 16:06:42
一边净水一边发电的太阳能装置 | 《自然-通讯》

论文标题:Simultaneous production of fresh water and electricity via multistage solar photovoltaic membrane distillation

期刊:Nature Communications

作者:Wenbin Wang, Yusuf Shi, Chenlin Zhang, Seunghyun Hong, Le Shi, Jian Chang, Renyuan Li, Yong Jin, Chisiang Ong, Sifei Zhuo, Peng Wang


DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-10817-6


《自然-通讯》本周发表的一篇论文Simultaneous production of fresh water and electricity via multistage solar photovoltaic membrane distillation, 介绍了一种可以一边净水一边发电的太阳能装置,有望缓解干旱和半干旱地区能源及清洁水源短缺的问题。

图1:未来光伏电厂模拟图,除了发电还可以生产淡水。图源:Wenbin Wang



图2:一体化光伏-膜蒸馏装置(PV-MD)示意图 图源:Wang 等


摘要:The energy shortage and clean water scarcity are two key challenges for global sustainable development. Near half of the total global water withdrawals is consumed by power generation plants while water desalination consumes lots of electricity. Here, we demonstrate a photovoltaics-membrane distillation (PV-MD) device that can stably produce clean water (>1.64 kg·m−2·h−1) from seawater while simultaneously having uncompromised electricity generation performance (>11%) under one Sun irradiation. Its high clean water production rate is realized by constructing multi stage membrane distillation (MSMD) device at the backside of the solar cell to recycle the latent heat of water vapor condensation in each distillation stage. This composite device can significantly reduce capital investment costs by sharing the same land and the same mounting system and thus represents a potential possibility to transform an electricity power plant from otherwise a water consumer to a fresh water producer.


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