来源:Nature Communications 发布时间:2019/6/25 11:01:33
肥皂泡如何冻结 | 《自然-通讯》

论文标题:How soap bubbles freeze

期刊:Nature Communications

作者:S. Farzad Ahmadi, Saurabh Nath, Christian M. Kingett, Pengtao Yue, Jonathan B. Boreyko


数字识别码: 10.1038/s41467-019-10021-6



本周《自然-通讯》发表的一篇论文How soap bubbles freeze揭示了肥皂泡是如何冻结,以及所谓“雪花玻璃球效应”(snow-globe effect)是如何产生的。

图1:冷库内一块冰上的泡泡结冰的过程。图源:Farzad Ahmadi 和Christian Kingett


图2:冷库内一块冰上正在结冰的泡泡。图源:Farzad Ahmadi 和Christian Kingett

美国弗吉尼亚理工学院的Jonathan Boreyko及同事研究了主导肥皂泡冻结的热传递过程。他们在不同环境温度下,将肥皂泡置于冰冷的表面,并记录下了冻结过程。他们观察到了两种不同的冻结机制,具体视温度而定。

视频:一块冰上正在结冰的泡泡。来源:Farzad Ahmadi 和Christian Kingett(请到微信观看视频)


视频:半冻结泡泡的坍塌过程。来源:Farzad Ahmadi 和Christian Kingett(请到微信观看视频)


摘要:Droplets or puddles tend to freeze from the propagation of a single freeze front. In contrast, videographers have shown that as soap bubbles freeze, a plethora of growing ice crystals can swirl around in a beautiful effect visually reminiscent of a snow globe. However, the underlying physics of how bubbles freeze has not been studied. Here, we characterize the physics of soap bubbles freezing on an icy substrate and reveal two distinct modes of freezing. The first mode, occurring for isothermally supercooled bubbles, generates a strong Marangoni flow that entrains ice crystals to produce the aforementioned snow globe effect. The second mode occurs when using a cold stage in a warm ambient, resulting in a bottom-up freeze front that eventually halts due to poor conduction along the bubble. Blending experiments, scaling analysis, and numerical methods, the dynamics of the freeze fronts and Marangoni flows are characterized.


期刊介绍:Nature Communications (https://www.nature.com/ncomms/) is an open access journal that publishes high-quality research from all areas of the natural sciences. Papers published by the journal represent important advances of significance to specialists within each field.

The 2017 journal metrics for Nature Communications are as follows:

•2-year impact factor: 12.353

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